November 16, 2017

The Focus Word-Podcast #40

I received a short prophetic word that put me on a journey. The word was about "focus".  I hear that focus word a lot….”Focus Theresa," says my husband or my son as I tend to get forgetful. But I sense this word is coming from a loving Father who is beckoning me to draw near, hunker down in the Word, and truly listen to HIm. Here is the word that a dear friend who is a safe place for my heart gave me: “I just heard that He is revving up your focus. I heard the word keen focus. That you are lifting your head and focusing your face on His eyes. And it’s like you see superman, the thing that comes out of His eyes, it’s just burning into your eyes. And it’s just…I hear that word 'keen' and you are revving up your focus on His face as you are going to need it." So, one late evening, a night after being given that word, I got out my ipad to read on my Bible App. I was listening to Holy Spirit, asking Him where He wanted me to set up camp and soak. I had been in 1 Peter but I felt that nudge to go to 2 Peter Chapter 1. And then I saw it. Like a lightning bolt, it hit my heart on one verse. What did I do? I waited and then spent a long morning asking Holy Spirit to reveal more. So I shared a no bake cookie and drank my coffee with Jesus. (I don't think He took any bites out of the cookie!) First He told me to read a few other prophetic words in my journal. These are memory stones, gifts, that God gives you. If you don’t have any prophetic words given to you, read some of your favorite scripture, or simply go to the Psalms and let God massage your heart. And then I processed….Or shall I say the Holy Spirit processed me. How do I have partnership with the divine nature? How do I enhance this idea of living truly in my spirit identity? How do I stay on course to my God given destiny?
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I shared the keys in my Kingdom Mentor Academy if you want more of this revelation. I’ll leave you with this verse and a short word from the Vinedresser “And so we have been given the prophetic word…the written message of the prophets, made more reliable and fully validated by the confirming voice of God on the Mount of Transfiguration. AND YOU WILL CONTINUE TO DO WELL IF YOU STAY FOCUSED ON IT. For the prophetic message is like a piercing light shining in a gloomy place until the dawning of a new day, when the Morning Star rises in your hearts.” 2Peter 1:19 (Bold and caps added for emphasis by me) Declaration: I am focused on His Word and Spirit in me. I am focusing on His prevailing light in my heart and able to see Him more clearly. Listen to the Vinedresser "I am here. Can you see Me? I'm all you need. "I am here. Now focus on who you are in Me. You don’t have to strain or work up something inside you. This is simply who you really are in your spirit identity. Yes, this is the integral part of you, in your spirit, more real than your body. This is where you host My Presence. "So, drop the drama of the trauma of your mind and focus as you draw close to Me. It’s okay child. I know how it hurts or even how you have suppressed the pain. I’m not into digging up the skeletons of the past but excavating My divine power in you, so you can walk above the fray of life in victory. "Focus on my magnificent promises. Soak your wounds in what I give you in an abundant supply. This piercing focus helps you know Me more intimately. “"Listen. You will never stumble. I have orchestrated and even choreographed the moves for you to make for your healing so fruit will abound. You can find joy even in the crushing. I will enable you to live from barely getting by to flourishing in hope. You can go from striving to abiding, learning the peace of thriving in My Vineyard. "Here is the fruit you can pick in this garden of My Presence, in knowing intimately my Son Jesus. I’ll supplement your spirit identity with goodness, understanding, the strength of self-control, enduring patience, all goodness, godliness, mercy for your brothers and sisters, and finally, an unending love. "And so my beloved, I’m asking you to align yourself with Me. You will continue to find breakthrough as you stay focused on My Words. I’m all about your destiny, your hopes and dreams. "Let My promises be a point of convergence to the light of My resplendent love pouring out on you. Let My piercing eyes penetrate and be reflected in yours so you can go into gloomy places carrying My glory and My unending perpetual love for others. I’m all about what matters to you. "So no strive. Simply abide. In the Vine." Love the Vinedresser So I encourage you to stay focused on His love for you...especially during this week of Thanksgiving. I'm thankful. For you! In the Vine, Theresa PS Share this with a friend or share your thoughts with me. I read every email or comment. Thank you.