February 3, 2019


Sorry if that seems like I'm shouting above here...or going on and on in this video. Yes, I want to get your attention because I believe this is you... You are sure your purpose is wired into your very DNA as sure as the sun sets each day.. But another day goes by and...you may wonder about walking in this purpose and maybe feel directionless.  This one thing is for sure though. You do have the passion and talent to lead, speak, coach, sing, and write. You may even have had prophetic words spoken to you in regards to your purpose and it so resonates with your heart. Can I say one sentence to you. Do NOT Give Up. No matter how chaotic your emotions may feel amidst your day in and day out events of life.

Your Purpose!

I believe you can be activated and encouraged to be revitalized in your purpose... I heard The Vinedresser say this: "I have great plans for you friend. My Hand of grace on your life says a great deal about My love for you and the quality of life I have put before you. You are made for a specific purpose with unique gifts to operate. I love you. I have deposited dreams, visions, and wisdom in your hand. Will you listen to Me, Listen To Your VINEDRESSER and allow the frequencies and designs of the Holy Spirit lead you?" I believe lying inside of some of you are these crazy good witty ideas and amazing solutions that will be a product or service so great that you will be able to employ 100's of people and impact the landscape of your area for the Kingdom of God. Yep. I have great passion in all of this. 

Loss of Purpose: My Story

About eight years ago I came so close to giving up. I was lacking a correct aim to fulfilling my purpose. I had retired years earlier from being an announcer at an FM Christian Radio station outside of Atlanta, and spun my wheels trying to find something that was as fulfilling as that and would help my family. I loved media and writing, but really lacked the confidence that this was the direction I should go into. I heard one 30 minute video that sparked hope for me. I heard Holy Spirit say, yes, you can make your vineyard in this area of being on line and media. I did not tell Dave about this. Three days later he all of a sudden started calling me His fruitful vine.  And I started out writing the things Holy Spirit was saying in the voice of the Vinedresser! Two devotionals later, I feel the Vinedresser has something for you in regards to your purpose. And I want to extend the invitation to a live webcast starting this Thursday! It's called: "Seven Lessons About Your Purpose From Listening To The Vinedresser" All the details can be found by clicking the link below: http://bit.ly/2CR39vp I’m excited for you. I believe God is setting you apart with your purpose. I believe you are part of the solution for the heart’s cries of others.  I see this as a set up for breakthrough for you. I see your purpose revitalized as you you Listen to your Vinedresser speaks hope over you. This is the key to all of the above that is mentioned with our 7 Day Live Challenge and it has to do with your purpose so you can go forward confidently. This has to do with capacity….. To find the EXTRAordinary solutions from The Vinedresser for renewing and walking forward in your purpose so you can join your yes with the yes of heaven for activation! Seats are going fast into this exclusive webcast which features your own "family" with a special Facebook Group. Click the link below and get your seat!! ----> http://bit.ly/2CR39vp <---- This is for every woman who believes her purpose is wired into her DNA with the passion and talents to lead, teach, speak, sing, and write for His glory as she walks in her sphere of influence. Talk soon. In the Vine, Theresa PS I'll have to take down this low fee to get in now. After it's over, this will be a course priced a lot higher than the $7 entry fee. Check out the details now by clicking here:  http://bit.ly/2CR39vp