December 18, 2015

Discovering Your Life Purpose

God is calling you out. It time to discover your life purpose. To look at your life the way God sees you. You may want to unsubscribe from my e-family after this email or blog post. We are going to talk here heart to heart. Hopefully these words will empower you. But, if I step on your toes and you don't like that, please unsubscribe. A few things lead me to this candid talk. First, the Holy Spirit was speaking to me showing a different direction of hope to write to you about and on my Facebook page. I had that confirmed more than once. The second nudge came as I was watching a documentary the other night concerning one of my favorite singers from my teens on through life. I was sad that even though she was raised in a Christian home and surrounded by believers, no one really spoke into her life helping her understand her identity or her real purpose. It just made me sad because I know she went through many heart aches, from in her marriage to her career. Could that have been avoided? (Don't get me wrong. Her life is not a tragedy but a beautiful one of grace and mercy). Anyway, so here you are reading some of my rambling thoughts with Holy Spirit about you, the influencer. Let's talk about YOUR LIFE PURPOSE. No matter your age, it's never too late to see God's Hand. If you want to see true breakthrough, you are going to have to prepare to see things in the spirit that which you have never seen. It's a process. Starts with intimacy. Goes to your identity. Filters down to your heart and comes out of your mouth for a total belief system overhaul.  First of all, here is the best news. Your Heavenly Father has great intentions for you. Think of an earthly father and a baby. The baby learns to walk and talk. If the baby falls, the father doesn't say things like... "You don't have the gift for walking." "Stay put child. You will never walk. Why try." "You will always be a failure and never walk." NO! The baby gets up and proceeds to learn under the watchful eye of mom and dad who live with the baby now, in the present, all the while having great plans for them. That's the kind of attention your heavenly Father will give to you. As we enter a new year, I believe now is the time to really pray and ask God to define your specific purpose. (If you already done this, awesome!) God has great plans for you friend. His Hand of grace on your life says a great deal about His love for you and the quality of life He has put before you. You are made for a specific purpose with unique gifts to operate. God put dreams, visions, and wisdom in your hand. Will you talk with Him and allow the frequencies and designs of the Holy Spirit lead you? As I personally was thinking about this, my daily reading contained thrilling to me, words of confirmation, in Proverbs 16:20-26 tpt. (Check them out!) Simply an example as you talk with Holy Spirit, He will give you His words to confirm what He is saying. So, get a pen and paper and write what He is saying to you in this special word from The Vinedresser. Know this:  You are His Kingdom messenger. Your life has purpose. He asked me to share His Heart with you on how HE has called you as an influencer of HOPE: Listen To The Vinedresser "Dear beloved, did you know I was forming you for greatness even while you were in your mothers womb? I put in your very DNA the longings and motivation for purpose, passion, and perseverance as my chosen messenger. You are beautifully and wonderfully made! "Come often into My Heart here in My Vineyard to know that I will not leave you floundering in doubt amidst the process of knowing who you really are in Me, in the Vine. I call you to flourish. Follow me further into the garden dear one, so I can show you the deep well of my wisdom with all the colors of My radiant love, power of My tender mercy, and never failing grace for you in the roads you walk. "The missteps you may take will never define your destiny or leave youin a pit so deep that My love is not deeper still. Reach up. I will take your hand, clean the residue of the enemies lies off of you and set you back in the direction of the Son so you can feel the warmth of my love to heal. "You are never stuck. Despise not small beginnings. Stay in the soil of my Presence as you hang from the trellis of My care. From this love-filled Presence, I will give you the deep wisdom to talk to the flock I put before you, whether in your home, marketplace, or ministry. Your life will be the fountain flowing with the Father's heart for others to be lead into the Vineyard for their breakthrough. I give you beautiful life giving words to show others how to walk under open heavens to bring my Kingdom to earth. "This is my purpose for you beloved. I am here to complete, perfect, and accomplish all that concerns you. The motivation of your heart, the passion and deep longings will find their place overflowing from Me, in the Vine. Lay your performance and striving on the outside. Simple come inside the Vineyard and abide, in the Vine. Love, Your Vinedresser ©Listen To the Vinedresser by Theresa Croft I'd love to hear what He is saying to you. Share here below or on Facebook directly. I will be praying for you. In the Vine, Theresa