August 22, 2015

The Wind Of Favor Is Coming To You

Do you feel the shift? It's coming for you. I sense this deep in my spirit now. The Wind of His Favor is coming!
I felt it so strongly the other night that I sensed someone needed to hear this. So I went to my pulpit, (Facebook page) and wrote what is shown below.
Over 17,000 have seen it and over a thousand likes and hundreds of comments later, I see this is a word that needs to be shared with you. 
God wants us to see this shift with spiritual eyes, not in the natural. 
Once again God gave me this prophetic word during a Sunday morning worship service. I shared it with a girl friend that I felt it was for.... 
I can't go into all the details right now in how God did something major for her the following week.... But.... I will soon. 
Back to you, God says this is for you too. As I sat down to soak in the Word, the Lord let me process more of this word. He gave me a thought that I shared in the video above AND in the following... Could the wind be blowing for you and not against you now? I believe so.
Listen to the Vinedresser:
"I see you struggle against the wind. You hold your head high and brace yourself often against the raging storm of emotions swirling around your circumstances. I am here to show you  how to cut across the wind and move forward.  "Just like a sailboat, follow my ways to criss cross and use the belching wind's angle to fill the sails of your life to move you forward. I have not left you to be battered nor for your life (sail) to be torn down in the ocean storm of the up and downs of your life.  "Stay in the boat! Cling to Me. I am still your hope, the anchor of your soul. As you tend to the sails of your heart, watch for Me to change the direction of the wind. I am in control of your situations and you child. "I know just when to come from behind and blow hard the wind of My favor on your life.  You will glide through the rough seas with the confidence of a seasoned sailor. Those areas which once held you in a grip of fear you will now move effortlessly through forward in the clear direction I have mapped out and spoken to you.  "Watch Me now as I stride right through the ocean walking on the roaring waters of chaos in your life, in this world. Just like Me, I will teach you how to walk and sleep confidently in Me regardless of the waves of controversy. Let the Wind blow. You are mine. Nothing and no one gets lost. Not a man nor a sparrow, not even a mouse slips through the cracks. You are the Vine." Love the Vinedresser
 Get ready to sail. The Wind of Favor is blowing your way!