October 14, 2020

What If Your Deepest Trials Turn You Into A Victorious Warrior

What if? What if your most discouraging and depressing issues around you are really open doors to the healing and hope of your soul? I'm writing to you with my hunting shirt on....So I go hunting in the Word for you. I have had my share of discouragement in this past year. From falling headlong halfway down the stairs to personal issues of health and family matters, I’ve tasted the doubts resulting in the frustration or doubts deep in my soul. Am I enough? Are my best days behind me? What do I do with the dreams deep in my heart concerning what I know is lined in my very DNA in purpose? It’s so easy to say...”My voice really doesn’t matter. I’m stuck...in this pattern of thinking or in the aftermath of problems with Covid-19. So, I understand. I heard a great phrase by a trusted minister to get out of depression which is trying to choke hold you from living in the sweet spot: “What am I doing here?” And then remind yourself that you are loved and you have purpose. Just as I go through the fiery trials of life, my heart beats for you. If we were having coffee together, I put on my hunting camo shirt and say let's go hunting..IN the Word! I’d say something like this, after asking you a few questions to really listen to the trouble beats of your heart: Do you know you matter? It’s not too late to rise up and go forward in a shift of your identity. The strongholds that bind you could be the greatest place of freedom which in turns helps others. All of heaven is cheering you with angelic forces moving in your favor? (Those declarations are real). Jesus promises you abundant life. The enemy has done his best to lie, steal, and keep that abundant life from you. In repentance comes refreshing. You can have hope. You are so important. You and your voice coming from a place of victory are part of the "warring women"! What? Check this out: “God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message:” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭68:11‬ ‭TPT‬‬ Your voice contains His words. The warring comes in your declarations that tear down strongholds and set captives free. Declare over yourself....and your breakthroughs will be someone else’s! Remember tho....you speak from a place of victory! No strive in this! It’s not in performance but abiding! So fip the "What if" to what if God gave you the key to free yourself and then you can give that same key to others. So today as the doors will close to the Redeem Your Voice Camp.... You may have looked at the Redeem Your Voice Camp reduced price offer but really not sure and really just trying to figure out how to get to that breakthrough. Again, I understand. But like I told you many months ago...you are in my lane. Hence, I care. Are you ready for the "what if’s" turn into platforms for your voice! Let’s do this together to get unstuck. If you read this and the voice camp is closed, let's talk. It's the Identity Blueprint to help you receive some real keys of breakthrough to unlock your voice. Click here for this.