April 29, 2015

Getting Unstuck To Walk In The Vine

In the midst of going forward, in THE VINE, in the "sweet spot" of your destiny, do you ever feel stuck? It's like you know God has placed something in your very DNA to explain the passion behind your purpose. But...  the circumstances you face are beyond your comprehension. You feel like you have no control over them and hence the stuck mode feels so permanent. I can see that I am not the only one who has sensed this in the past year. The other day I received this prayer request in my "inbox" on Facebook: "Seeking prayer. We need to know the next step God wants us to take. I believe God wants us to grow but I feel we are stuck. Seeking God's direction." I read another "Kingdom Messenger's" thought on a blog post: "I was having one of those days when I start believing the voices that remind me how I am a sinner unworthy to deliver a message of hope. Why would God use a cracked vessel like me who has failed Him, when there are so many women more equipped to share the Gospel with you? Why am I here?" It's interesting to note that the quote above is from an author who has thousands of likes on her Facebook page and is impacting hundreds of thousands. The enemy is doing whatever he can to get into your mind. I had my own thoughts mixed with this standstill mode that I believe many of God's messengers may be feeling. Sometimes it is so easy to look at the circumstances rather than the truth in His Word. You may feel stuck in a relationship, in lack of finances, in waiting for salvation of a loved one, in pain from an unexpected event. God spoke gently on the issue. The sticking point is the beginning point to make a change. The change has to come in your mind. So as I opened my heart to the Lord on this. He began to remind me of some powerful work He was doing on the inside of me, even though I had this stuck feeling. Amidst the standstill, I've had to rise up and deal with some fear issues, in my marriage, in my family, with relationships, and in the very vision He has birthed in my heart. In my marriage, I've learned how to love more, walking with safe boundaries, and making sure God is first. The turn around has been nothing but a huge answer to prayer. As I learn to simply manage me and not react in fear, I've seen my relationship grow in leaps and bounds. "Keep your love on" is a heart cry that has brought some great fruit. Dave and I celebrated 19 years of marriage this month. It's only getting better! In my family I have had to allow forgiveness to flow instead of offense. In relationships, I have had to wait on God to work in individual lives so that the divine connections are healthy ones. In my vision, I've had to be willing to rest, trusting God's direction amidst some unexpected challenges with issues in my own business. No doubt, this has brought about a battle of emotions and feelings.  Can you relate? I believe the winning comes in our thinking. We must constantly be working to renew our mind based on what HE says in His Word. "Kingdom thoughts breed Kingdom revelation."--Bill Johnson So, as you align your thoughts with the Kingdom of God, you can bring a change in your family, in your finances, in your pain. You can walk by His Word to influence others to pull out the negative atmosphere and replace it with God's promises. You can remove the habitation, the strongholds, of the enemy and replace it with God's design of wholeness. It is true warfare not against flesh but against spirits. The warfare is won as you decree and declare speaking God's Word. God gave me a word picture for this of someone treading water to stay afloat. It looks like the person is going nowhere, just floating above the water. But, what is going on under the water where you cannot see? The hands and feet are moving at a brisk pace so the person does not sink but stays afloat. So, keep moving. Keep feasting on His Word. The very thoughts of His revelation will bring the change, the movement to your desired destiny. "Many called are in hiding, hurting and scared, and yet when we walk in the promise of the Father's love, all things come together for our good to give us His expected end." Angela T. Greenig Don't fret. Keep moving. Keep thinking on these things...Philippians 4:8: "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." And stay clinging...to THE VINE, Jesus. In The Vine, Theresa PS We are live every day with "In The Vine" Kingdom thoughts to encourage you. Please come on over, like our page, and share your thoughts, prayer requests, and vision. Click here to join us now!