September 29, 2019

I had something on my heart and Holy Spirit said to share it on a Saturday night.

In addition, this will give some of you an extra day (Sept 30 to Oct. 4) to take advantage of one more week of Blueprint Calls. More on that a bit.

First a question:Can the place of being stuck be the starting point to going forward with your hopes, dreams and purpose?

I believe it can once you get honest with yourself and say. “Hey I’m stuck.”

I remember a time when I felt so stuck that it seemed like I got caught in a spider’s web. Everything I did or tried to do involved one snag after another, not to mention how gross spider webs are around my coffee cup.

I realize now just one little movement can help me get unsnarled from being tied up.

 I remember studying marketing and there was a term called the Butterfly Effect….

This concept is the idea that little things can have an impact in a complex system. So minute adjustments in the right place turns the tide. 

The butterfly effect can also mean how a series of small events can serve as the catalyst to being unfastened to go forward in the right direction.

So…Do you feel stuck.  I talked to many this past week who honestly and vulnerably said...YES!

Some bravely shared their negative thought pattern in regards to their self-image, weight, and hurt.

A few I was blessed to connect with were going through various effects of a shattered heart from trauma. I was blessed by one of our younger members in the Kingdom Mentor Academy share.."this is exactly what I need. Each week I get help with dealing with my pain."

A few shared with me that they felt like they hit a wall and then confusion set in from critical advice from a leader.

Or maybe you can relate to family issues, kids, church, or other things going around you that really has become a complex maze that keeps your mind in a serious non-functioning daze.

I believe God can show up in the little and reveal His purpose and plan. Yes a good starting point is always in His Word.

But I also believe it can come from an outside objective look from someone else.

I have one more week of opening the Blueprint Call complimentary. This is simply an outside voice calling out the gold in you and your purpose. Sharing how you have a voice, a purpose. Making declarations that your best years are ahead of you!

We are coming up on this last week and there are a few spots left on my calendar. I’d love it to be you behind that zoom camera. (Don’t let technology stop you..).

Take the step now to extricate your mind and soul from a fog to a spot light showing you simple breakthrough steps you can take today.

This could be the key you are looking for to get unstuck.

Talk soon...

IN the Vine,


PS When my calendar is full it's full.  Getting a seat is one click away with no opt-in required.