February 20, 2020

The Trust Factor: The Well Of Intimacy And Dependence Episode 106

The trust factor becomes so real when...you feel dropped down into a deep, dark well. I have an excerpt for this edition of the Kingdom Mentor Podcast that I think you might relate to right now. I feel Holy Spirit want to reach out with hope for you in your pursuit of walking from your true identity with your voice. I was upstairs in my home sitting in a chair I rarely sit in. It is a blue (grace) recliner that is so special to me. I nursed two babies in this lounge chair.  The chair seemed to be ooozing out a motherly touch from God on me that spilled out into the microphone and camera as I was on one of our Heart Sync with The Father upper level times, that we have in conjunction with the Kingdom Mentor Academy. After the consult, my heart was moved to share something Holy Spirit had laid on my heart that morning as I was praying for a few friends. I'm hoping this resonates with you. One is when I say “market your voice’...I just don’t mean online. For example, I had one of our upper level clients said to me the other day... my precious client said... “I get it. I’m a mom...and I understand God wants me to market my voice right where I am in my home for influence, to shift atmospheres, to make declarations over my children and my family….to be a marketing agent for His Kingdom“ YES..I about shouted. You got it! And Yes, I’m a marketing specialist and love to help brands grow their voice online with the CARE Strategy but I’m just as passionate to see you...as a mom, teacher, leader..market your voice for influence...online or off. Anyway... from the static (podcast #105) God lead me to this subject about intimacy with Him. I’m learning that trust has two elements...intimacy and dependence with Him. And...I’m amazed He trusts us amidst the drop down into a deep well....and we find a place of communion with Him. I will note here. God never pushes us down the well. Sometimes the circumstances of life, dreams that seemed lost, or problems in relationship can make you feel like you have been dropped! Check this: Intimacy and dependence equals this trust that is available to you.. But what do you do when you feel dropped down into that deep well. It feels damp and cold. You strain in faith to see light but all you experience is the dark face of your fears staring back at you! He is your rope to get out. But sometimes you simply have to hold on... and trust in the womb of intimacy in Him. I hear Him say to you: “I trust you with this process. Few are patient enough to trust me in this level of intimacy. “It may seem cold, damp, and lifeless. “It is not. I am near.... to the broken hearted and save those crushed in spirit. “ You will learn that My Presence is here to warm your heart with My peace, to bring light and hope amidst the straining to hold on.... “I have not forgotten you. Nothing will compare to what I am going to do. “I am doing something new because I can trust Holy Spirit in you to depend on Me to get you out. “You will find a refreshment that will spill out to others. “Again I say....I trust you with this pure water, this message. "As I refresh you, I cause you to refresh others with words of life. “Hold on now, child. “The sound of the drip in the deep well is your assurance I am here.” Love the Vinedresser So you are out of the well at the right time marked with a fragrance of being with Him. It might not smell good to some, because it’s so unfamiliar. This trust, this dependence on God looks foreign to the world around you. But just imagine how sweet is that aroma to God. It’s part of the abiding, remaining in Him just as He remained in the Father. The place of deep, unbroken intimacy with Him as He carries you, heals you, and you become all the more familiar with His voice.... Do you trust Him to carry you? I said I was feeling rather motherly in the beginning of this post. I thought the Mother heart of God..In Jesus can be represented by The Shepherd tending his sheep. He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.” (Isaiah 40:11) He does not break their leg to disable the sheep. A look at Jewish history has no evidence of this practice of intended harm. If shepherds in ancient Israel did disable their sheep by breaking their legs, we would see it reflected in Jewish tradition. What we see instead is this Midrash written nearly 1,000 years ago about Moses as a shepherd: “One day, a kid ran away from the flock under Moses’ care. Moses chased after it, until it came to a spring and began to drink. When Moses reached the kid he cried: ‘Oh, I did not know that you were thirsty!’ He cradled the runaway kid in his arms and carried it to the flock. Said the Almighty: ‘You are merciful in tending sheep—you will tend My flock, the people of Israel.’” (Shemot Rabbah 2:2) “To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:3‬ ‭NASB‬‬ Let Him cradle you. Hold you. Speak life to you.. And I pray my voice …Momma -Tee…helped you hear HIS caring voice for you in this podcast #106 on the Kingdom Mentor Podcast. Until the next podcast…stay abiding…stay hiding ..in the sweet spot for you..in His presence. In the House of Wine, Theresa Croft PS Share this podcast with a friend on instagram and tag me @theresacroft!