November 3, 2019

Transition: Winning The Angst Between The Now And Not Yet  Podcast #88

  Have you felt it?  I’ve sensed a shift the past few months.
And I’m not sure it’s one I’d choose because it has to do with…
This place can make you feel stuck, weary, agitated, or you are forced to think about somethings in a different way.
Definition:  the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
So one area of transition which I’ve been challenged lately has to do with expanding my business in the area of sharing my message with stages (off-line and on). All this past week, I’ve been following this teaching series on the steps to present your core story in your message.
I was challenged to submit a three minute video following the method they present to share my message.  I started to procrastinate. Three minutes??? I can be quite chatty on camera.  Can I really do this? After I made up my mind to go forward, I felt the ice cold wind of fear kick up and bring the daunting doubt of distress. 
That night I could not go to sleep, something I rarely have a problems with, as I thought and re-thought what script I could say in that short of time. Fear. I’m too familiar with this tool of the enemy. (I just texted:  "Put Fear in the light so the darkness of fear can be covered in the blood). So I had to walk out my own words.
Eventually, I determined to sit in my little home made studio, sit behind my camera and go for it! After about 7 shots I was able to feel relief that I did it!! This actually brought a fresh confidence just by my action, imperfect or not.
So do you feel this? It may come as feeling chained to your restlessness.
I believe the key to bridge this time is to remain close to what God says. Be a good friend of Holy Spirit.
No doubt, I believe God has birthed in your very DNA the designs and frequencies of heaven to go forward in your purpose. The greatest angst often comes in the space between the now and the future with your heart’s desire. That space can be filled with fear, anxiety and questions.
Go forward. Put in action a plan for you. What area do you need attention to not only find your voice (identity) but share your message with a solution for someone else in your purpose?  Your voice could be in that product, those creative arts, or your skill in dealing with children.
Many of you are in this process of going forward and then you get stuck. But maybe that is a transition area for you to take care of you before you go forward. To have the foundation to walk in the full capacity of that purpose can only come with a secure identity of who you are. This came to me through declarations and then a download from Holy Spirit containing the framework for true breakthrough containing simple but powerful keys to walk out your purpose. I've had not only seen this breakthrough for my purpose but also witnessing these keys being a real solution for members in my Redeem Your Voice Camp.
To start, click here for a free guide (and audio) giving you keys to find your voice which leads to an opportunity to talk with me (including a bonus with a 30 day action plan) so I can lay out the full scope of what God gave me to help you.
You can find your purpose now and walk it out. You can find hope amidst the transition. You have great value with an EXTRAordinary solution for someone’s pain point.
Let’s find it together now before overwhelm takes you down in the pit of lost hopes and dreams.
Someone needs your voice.
One final note. Today, Dave asked me to come out on the porch where he was sitting. He knew something had been on my mind and gently asked me what was on my heart. I mentioned timidly about the transition I feel and how I do not want to stay in a restless place but simply trust God. He said something key. "Stay thankful to God, Theresa. This keeps you from being in a nostalgic and ungrateful place." 
Talk soon.
IN the Vine,
PS You can subscribe to my i-tunes podcast. I am so thankful when you do. Those of you on Androids can find me on spotify or the stitcher app.