July 28, 2021

The Beginning To Market Your Voice

Where do you start to market your voice?

You have to find your true authentic voice.

Your voice is the core of who you are. It’s directly linked to the One who called you
and infused in your very DNA a specific purpose, a defined destiny.

“Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who alway accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. “ Ephesians 1:11 tpt 

Your voice is who you think you are; who other people think you are; and who you really are in all your authenticity. The more those three elements come together as one, the more you will understand your true identity in Him.

Your voice contains every dream, every hope, every passion of your heart for walking in your true destiny.

Your voice, joined with your faith, can move mountains; It can speak out against injustice; 

Listen in to the key to market your voice with a Vinedresser Word above.

If you want keys to market your voice online, click here now.