November 29, 2019

Am I invading your personal space with some Thanksgiving thoughts. I wanted to share the replay from the Free Redeem Your Voice Camp last night as so many have asked for that. You can click here to view and learn the three keys to help you understand the power of one verse to help you over any drama from the trauma or win the shame game to truly find and share your voice. And some thanksgiving thoughts: What do you think of when it comes to Thanksgiving love...? I can’t help to go back to my sensory memories and relish in the smells of my home as a child. My mom was the brilliant chef making my favorites featuring the traditional bird with green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, stuffing made from cut off crust of loaves of bread, iced cranberry homemade set in a glass, brown sugar coated yams and.............with her home made cinnamon rolls in the morning.....and home made apple pies for after the feast. Her apple pie was everyone’s favorite as she had learned the art of making her own crust. Often she was requested to make this amazing delight. Now, years later...the tradition lands in my family. I’m not currently the chef at all. But, I do remember.... Trying to make the brown gravy and failing so I’d just open a jar of gravy and make sure no one saw the jar in the garbage can. I realized green bean casserole was not too hard. Stuffing...I did not grow up on cornbread stuffing so the crusted stuff in the bags from the store worked fine with a little buttered onions and celery...(My kids love this the best too). What I’m trying to say is memories like these are the "stuffings" of simple joys that gain weight, the great kind of weight,  through the years. But I realize....Hallmark settings may never have happened in your home. I’m sorry! So...I was thinking how you can win before you even enter a den of emotional wreckage from past wounds. I remember when the Vinedresser said this about not being ruled by emotions but walking out HIS promises by faith where you may have been deeply cut or hurt by someone you love. He is right there in the midst of it with you and for you. He said this: “Release your emotions on Me child. When you scream out that you feel shattered, helpless and doomed, I rush in with My fiery love to rescue you. “Come closer. Here you can lay the troubled beats of your heart and soak in the soothing comfort of My Presence. “I am your true tower of strength, your safe place, your true shelter, your hideout, your tree fort high up in the Vine. I am near. Miracles are possible. No strive. Simply abide. In the Vine.” #listentothevinedresser So I will be praying for you (you can email me a prayer request too) And may I remind you.... You are enough. You are valuable. You are deeply loved by a loving Father. Talk soon. IN the Vine, Theresa PS This replay link has a black Friday special for our Redeem Your Voice Camp. This could be the key you have been looking for to open the door to your voice with the repair, restore and rebuild process. Join us...even if it's recorded as it contains some powerful testimonies from those in the Camp. Click here now to view!