March 30, 2018

Steps To Breakthrough
Podcast #50!

I love hearing testimonies that reveal pieces of breakthrough in other people’s lives.

I’ve heard a few lately that touch my heart deeply when it comes to marriage. One Facebook family member, I’ll call her Mary, e-mailed me a long testimony of major breakthrough in her relationship with her husband.

It made me think of you. Are you sick and tired of hearing words about breakthrough?

Do you wonder like someone asked recently if breakthrough can be in steps or all at once…I share more in the video above with a word from the Vinedresser.

For now…I believe there are some no striving but abiding steps for turnaround. Breakthrough happens inside first and then manifests on the outside. Consider these simple keys to help set you up for a true breakthrough:

  • Step One: Check your heart and forgive. No offenses allowed. This key brought a massive turnaround for Mary as she shared in her email:“The moment I forgave, I saw a flash vision of a stone heart being chiseled. I saw the hammer hit the head. That heart of stone shattered into a million pieces! Then I saw a pinkish red heart of flesh. It was a human heart not a shape of a heart. I saw it beating fresh new blood of Christ. My breakthrough for a new heart finally happened!!”-Mary
  • Step two: Trust the process while in relationship with God. Deepen your friendship with Holy Spirit.“Look at how much strength and encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with Jesus, our anointed Messiah! You are filled to overflowing with his comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt his tender care and mercy.” Phil 2:1 tpt


  • Step three; Stay present. Partner with the truth of what God says about you so you can stay powerful in the middle of emotional situations. How engaged are you in the truths of the Word and walking them out in belief with declarations?This is why it is so crucial that we be all the more engaged and attentive to the truths that we have heard so that we do not drift off course.” Hebrews 2:1 tpt

I share a declaration and word from the Vinedresser in the video (or 50th) above or you can click here.

I have some dreams of my own that I’m trusting God for breakthrough. The other day I was sitting with Him and I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say this:

“Tee…you have a restlessness in you. Let it move you to My Presence…not to the phone, social media, or a video. I know the desires of your heart. I gave them to you. Do you not know how I delight to see you go forward with these dreams. But more than that…I delight when you simply sit with ME..listen to the birds and offer up a sacrifice of worship..”

So join me in these three basic steps…But more than that…rejoice and rest as a much loved son, a much loved daughter. Trust is not in where you are going but who is along your side with you. Enjoy the journey to breakthrough knowing the Father is cheering you on through every step, big or small!

I’m praying for you!

IN the Vine,


PS Share the video above by clicking here …on social media or with a friend who may need the encouragement. And check out our complimentary video teaching for sparks to your destiny! Click on the tab below and let’s start learning now!



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