October 31, 2019

Click ON Picture Above With Firebrand Dave Croft To Learn More About "The Heart Sync With The Father's Love"-Upper Level Mentoring

Winning Over Rejection With Firebrand Dave Croft Podcast #87

I was so thankful Firebrand Dave Croft was actually thinking about rejection the morning of this broadcast. Dave had been listening to old songs on Spotify as I was nestled under my blanket with my hot coffee reading the Word and some devotionals. I wanted to ask him if he'd share in the Course South Health: Rejecting Rejection in my Kingdom Mentor Academy and part of our Redeem Your Voice Camp.  He started to spill out details of past rejections. I could tell by the pain in his face he was reliving some of the devastation to his heart. But....I could see massive healing. He shared a few things I never knew about along with some other details I remember him sharing. Dave said he no longer felt the anguish from those memories as he marveled at the amazing love of his Father! He was talking about soul health. As he went on his face became radiant with the wonder and awe of God's redeeming love and the power of forgiveness.  "Forgiveness is so important so you can continue to grow in your intimacy," Dave said. "You defeat the enemies lies  as there is less of an area to be attacked." Dave went on to share with me, "Without forgiveness, you became stagnant. But when you walk in forgiving for those who have inflicted the hurt and rejection, you become a gateway for restoration and healing in other people's lives." So when I asked him to share in a video...Well..He first told me I should have recorded him that morning.  This is so my Dave during this time in his life. He is not seeking stages or wanting to go on a video to make a big deal about his testimonies f. His stage right now is for Jesus only.  But he agreed... The end of this time together was moving as he called out names in prayer and thanksgiving from our upper level group and of members in the Voice Camp His eyes were closed but I when I look at him longer I saw this huge tear start to form. I hope you can listen to this and hear a Father's Heart of compassion for you. We do offer this kind of mentoring...upper level in our Kingdom Mentor Academy. More details on that at http://MyKingdomMentor.com  with Firebrand Dave Croft and me. In The Vine, Theresa PS You can hear this on my podcast on i-tunes or  spotify.