June 29, 2017

Spark To Destiny--Podcast #30

Do you feel like destiny delay has hit you? I remember feelings like this. It was as if I was left on the back burner with the heat still on. It's hot, dry, and it even hurts back there. Or maybe a financial crash has hit you. You lost your job. You got in an accident. Your child got sick. Zap. There goes another wall in front of going forward. Are there really steps to walk out your destiny? YES! I shared four steps last week with our Kingdom Mentor/Media Academy Group. One little step was to go back in your memory and remember what you did as a child playing… What did you enjoy doing? Did you play house…did you play with dolls…did you construct things…etc I know I was big into sports with four brothers and eventually became a pro golfer. But...I also have this memory when I was 6 year-old of sneaking my dad's (modern technology) tape recorder and talking for hours into that thing. I loved microphones. I loved to pretend I was Walter Cronkite or Carol Burnett. I also loved to pretend to be a preacher. (Never mind I grew up Catholic). I'd tip over apple carts and preach to my little brother. When he got bored, I'd tell the rocks and flowers they needed to repent and be saved. Anyway...I think you get the idea. By the way, I did spend over 15 years talking and praying into a microphone at a major FM Station outside of Atlanta AFTER a professional golfer career. God is so cool like that. I shared my whole story to the Mentor group. So I get it though...I understand that over time negative junk comes to your mind…and toxicity gets in there…your brain…and all you see is the lies the enemy wants you to believe. But as you go through a process and really learn more about your new identity and walk it out, your brain can recalibrate! It's a process! So..before I was going to shoot this video for our group, this thought came in a small voice from Holy Spirit. "Cigarette lighter"! Think of the friction it takes with your thumb to get a flame out of that cig lighter. (We can call it destiny lighter.) That is the friction, the tension, the stress, the drama, the action..to get something started. You have to move that thumb and trust what's inside to make a flame to the spark. And get this, the fluid inside the lighter is the Holy Spirit! I think you get it. I was quite dramatic in the video above sharing about this revelation. Hope you can watch it. So, listen. IF your thumb (or whatever) is sore and tired. Take heart. You have the real thing inside you...the Holy Spirit. I believe in you. I believe God put in you a destiny where others are going to be impacted mightily. You are an amazing mom. You are a marketplace man. You are a world changer. You have an extra ordinary solution to someone's pain point. Go through the process friend. Create some sparks. Get over your hurting thumb and believe. I believe in you. I value you too. (All four steps to spark your destiny are available in our Kingdom Mentor/Group. You are invited to join this radical group of Kingdom Messengers.) Stay abiding amidst the process. IN the Vine, Theresa PS Share this video with someone who needs to smile and remember..they have a great destiny to walk out.