August 28, 2016

I sense this shift for you. Many of you are walking away from the lies you have believed about yourself or your situation. You are walking in a place of freedom by being quick to forgive and persistent to not be offended. You have tasted of His anointing and you want more of His Presence. You realize it's not about you, but about following in the path, the vision that God has placed in your DNA.  It's all about caring breakthrough as you abide in the Vine. It's not your own agenda. It's all about an intimate relationship with Jesus with no performance. The shift for more of His glory is here. Are you ready? Recently, I have been really thinking about the breaker anointing. I have sensed for months that God wants me to write a book about it centered around the video series He downloaded in the beginning of the year. I produced a teaching series called, The Place Of Breakthrough, where I walked you through six steps to put you in position for breakthrough without striving and trying to perform to make this happen. What is this breaker anointing all about, you may ask? It's like this: Someone with this anointing has gone through breakthrough in their life with the help of the Lord and now is an agent of sharing that breakthrough with someone else. They walk in His Presence, not afraid to follow and do what the Lord says. They know how to abide in Him daily.  You don't have to be perfect to carry this anointing. You don't have to strive to walk in the full power of this call. It's in your DNA. It's all about being in the Vine--connected, seated, and found in Christ. Your mess or pain from your past does not rule you out. It actually qualifies you. Imagine that! Your pain, your misery becomes a set up for destiny. You are able to find breakthrough in the darkest prison, even if it's a prison of your own making. Light has shined on you. His Presence invaded as you surrendered. In that glory you have found forgiveness for your sins. You now reflect His majestic love. You hear His voice and share it. Many will come to this light in you, in the Vine. You will be the hero of your family bringing hope for restoration. You will be the repairer of the breach. Your eyes will shine. You heart will be filled with joy as you walk in abundance of connections, wealth, and hope. God's mercy will be lavished on you by His grace.  In this abiding walk as a breaker anointed messenger, you are beautiful and a joy to many. You are dressed with the clothing of salvation and draped with a robe of righteousness. In addition to all of this, as you carry the breaker anointing, you are able to pull from heaven and change the atmosphere where ever you go. The Holy Spirit shared this with me via "Listen To The Vinedresser" like this:

"Your breakthrough is one word of My promise spoken out loud by faith and belief. This one key opens the eyes of your heart so you can see and hear the resounding YES of heaven.”

Now, beloved, you are ready to engage in the spirit realm where you will have free and complete access to My Kingdom as I send you out as My breaker-anointing messenger. "You will be the door of hope. That hope carries the influences which shifts atmospheres. You will be the one I entrust to handle the wealth of the storehouses in heaven as a faithful steward releasing resources wisely.” “You will produce My radical passion for jewels of heaven with souls saved, healing, miracles, training, equipping, and producing disciples who carry extra ordinary provision. You will use the keys that I give you to enter doors of those who run cities, states, and nations. The Father-heart I give you will be foreign to many you meet behind these closed doors. What would take years to accomplish will take minutes as you embrace them with the majesty of My love. “More doors will open. More walls will come down. Watch this happen in those closest to you first. Get ready, My beloved. You are My hidden gem who I am ready to shine through. You’ve been through the fire. You’ve stood the test by resting in My love.

"You are the one I choose with all the keys to open more doors so My Kingdom will be released with no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. It all starts here with no striving, but simply abiding, in the Vine.” Love the Vinedresser (Excerpt From Devotional "Listen To The Vinedresser:  31 Declarations Of Who You Are In The Vine")

To truly understand this powerful Presence filled walk, it's helpful to understand the keys to breakthrough itself. As I stated, in the beginning of the year, while I was struggling massively with my health, I went to take a nap. As I laid down, I had breakthrough on my heart. It was not just for myself for healing but for others as I listened (read prayer requests on my Facebook page) to the cries of so many. As I dozed off to sleep, the Holy Spirit downloaded a plan giving me keys to breakthrough based on the acronym C-H-R-I-S-T. I share more about this in the actual video series and reveal how God showed me a bed as the place for breakthrough. Now months later, Holy Spirit instructs me to hang out in Isaiah 58 to 61, listen, and write. Would you like to go on this journey with me as I'm in the process of compiling this book? A good part of the book will contain steps, six to be exact, on how to be in that place for breakthrough, as you abide in the Vine.  (You can get the video series now....I reduced the price..(normally $97) just for you. Click here! When it's all said and done, this is a place you were meant to walk. Some of you are walking in this right now! Listen friend, the Holy Spirit wants to wrap His Presence around your heart. Receive. Listen to Him. You can be free from the lies that you have believed from the enemy. Freedom comes in hearing His voice and believing the truth of His Word. It's your time... It's your season. It's a set up for upgrade. It's the foundation for breakthrough. Who will say "yes" and receive? Finally please know.... This is not a striving thing or performing to "get" something. Your Poppa loves you! In the sweet spot... In The Vine, Theresa PS Stay tuned. More excerpts from the book coming. Check the video series out for a jump start. Click here now while it's at a lower price.