April 23, 2019

Share Your Voice! Tell Your Story!
Podcast 61


Let’s talk. Coffee or tea.

If I could sit across the table at say, St. Arbucks, this is something I’d say as I listened to your heart.

I hear you.

Even if you feel your voice is cracked and all over the place.

I hear you.

Even if you are trying to find clarity out of your voice and finding your true identity.

Your voice is the core of who you are. It’s directly linked to the One who called you and infused in your very DNA a specific purpose, a defined destiny.

In your very voice, in your identity, lies an Extraordinary solution for someone else’s pain point.

That solution is locked up in your voice. It may be tucked away because of the pain from the shame, from the drama of the trauma or simply from an identity theft.

Let’s unlock, let’s redeem your voice together. Click here now—> http://bit.ly/2Z4maon

This is the year of REDEMPTION for you friend! (I hear Steffanie Gretzenger singing “This is The Sound” as I write this)


I Heard The Vinedresser Say It’s Your Turn

“It’s your turn now. You are no longer hidden gems. You have a voice, an identity in Me. I have orchestrated the stage for you to come out and shine….TO SPEAK!

“You may not be on the nightly newscast, but your VOICE IS spreading my powerful love with signs and wonders. They will be broadcasted for MY GLORY. You will not be seeking a stage but simply a Word from My Spirit to proclaim the message I give you.

“You will walk in MY Power to tear down strongholds in heavenly places as you reflect the goodness and mercy of Me to those you meet every day…

“So Find Your Voice!

“Tell Your Story!

Change Your World…..!” THE VINEDRESSER

 Join me and let’s get back what was stolen:

The brilliance that God has wired in your DNA as a writer, singer, coach, mom or dad, creative genius, marketplace influencer…..

It’s like that dream of yours that is entombed deep in your heart… To speak on issues that are life changing for others.

Or, the coaching program or book left unfinished, laying like a jigsaw puzzle on your desk.

Could it be your creativity that takes courage AND brings extraordinary value to the marketplace.

Or maybe you simply want to regain your vision at home or in your ministry.

But you feel like your voice is simply stomped on and left in a silent echo in your soul.

I’m sorry. I know what that is like. I’ve had my days of feeling stuck or working on others and not my own voice.

It’s time to Find Your Voice!

Join me in this exclusive FREE Webinar coming up May 1st at 7pm EST. You will find some answers to unlock your voice while being a part of a like minded, supportive community on this zoom call.

You can take my hand as I’ll lead you past the mine fields of your emotions, over the mountains of despair through the valley of fears to the redemption of choice to use your voice…..fearlessly.

I’ll show you how to abide in the Vineyard of fine wine drinking in revelation from the Vinedresser.

You will come face to face to truly finding your voice in the Vineyard with YOUR VINEDRESSER.

THE breakthrough of your voice is in THE HOUSE OF WINE. 

This free webinar could be the key you are looking for to truly find your voice.

Go no…click here or the link below:




You will also receive my free report in a PDF or audio: 7 Keys To Help You Find Your Voice!

So…. get ready…let’s talk!

 Talk soon!

 In The Vine,


  PS Seats are limited! Go now!  http://bit.ly/2Z4maon May 1 7pm   EST.

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