May 4, 2019

Interview With Jenn Stockman

Jenn Stockman's Book: Click Above To Order On Amazon
I was awakened very early (rare for me) by Holy Spirit the other morning wrestling with something. I went downstairs and sat in darkness, with no coffee, asking what was on HIS HEART. After some time in the Word, He brought something very painful up from my past. It hurt. The memory seemed to be still on my heart as if it was branded into this section on my heart. made me think of you. Is it possible to be hiding in shame and not even realize it?
Click Above For Interview
In my recent interview for the Redeem Your Voice Camp with my friend Jenn Stockman, author of "War On Your Voice", she candidly shares her journey of shame and how it wanted to keep her in silence. She won the war on the shame game.  You can too. Jenn writes: "Shame keeps our voice stuck under a lid. The spirit of shame intends to father us and silence the truest sound of who and Whose we are for the rest of our lives. The war is not to defeat the power of shame; Jesus finished that. The war is over our awareness of who our true Father is.... "Winning the war is refusing to respond to the names shame gave us in dark alleys.... "Father give us a name and call us by it the whole of our life, reinforcing the reality of our identity..." Jenn Stockman - Amazon- War On Your Voice. I had a very candid "Tee Talk" with Jenn over a cup of coffee where she peels even more layers of shame from her past and how she was able to be free and truly "FIND HER VOICE". This could have keys for you to truly break the shame game. You can watch it now by clicking here...You don't want to miss this....: Thank YOU for always allowing me to be real with you. You matter. You are valuable. You HAVE a Voice...You Have A Message...You are a solution...You can be an influencer! Talk soon. In the Vine, Theresa PS This interview is part of our Redeem Your Voice Camp. Registration ends May 25th (on my birthday :) ) I would not want you to miss this chance to FIND your voice. Link for more information on this and interview is found by clicking here.