November 2, 2020

Sarah is an MLM drop out who searched for a long time to find something that was truly “hers.” She eventually found her sweet spot way outside of her comfort zone when she started writing for other online business owners. But it wasn’t until she decided to teach those same women how to do it on their own that she finally realized her passion.

As a pastor’s wife, she struggled with her identity outside of that label and was able to truly step into her own when she saw the value that she brought on her own, because of who God made her to be, in her own skills, and in her own unique voice.
Sarah now teaches women how to find their own voice in their writing for their online business and how to use that for higher conversion and sales.

I asked Sarah Voris some questions before we sat down to talk. DETAILS will be definitely be in this podcast of gold.

What is the one major lesson you’ve learned about understanding and walking in your destiny—your voice. 

1-One of the biggest things that stands out is when I realized that your voice is something that no one can duplicate. Who you are, your experiences, your knowledge, your life, no one can take that from you. THAT’S what makes your business unique from anyone else’s, even if it’s in a similar field or topic. Everything that makes you, you is what you bring to the table.

So as people were building their businesses they think, “Oh, I’m terrible at writing. I’ll just outsource my web copy or my emails and hire a copywriter.” When, in fact, hiring that out should be one of the last delegations you do. Because unless you have an EXTREMELY dialed in message and established your voice, it’s just not going to come through in someone else’s writing.

That might sound weird coming from a copywriter to say, “don’t hire a copywriter” but that’s because I firmly believe that you are your best copywriter. Even if you think you stink at writing.

2. Do  you have another story that might help us?

The moment I saw how important getting your voice correct in your writing was a moment that showed me how big of a disconnect it will lead to with you and your customers if it doesn’t line up. If you don’t bring the same personality or voice in your writing as you do showing up in your videos or in person coaching, however you’re showing up, your customers will see right through that and it will take much longer for them to know, like, and trust you…if they do at all.

The first time I met one of my kid’s teachers, I thought we were going to be instant friends. We were joking and seemed really similar in personality, both very dry in our humor. And then I got an email from her that basically said, “Dear Mrs. Voris. It was a pleasure meeting you and it’s my deepest hope we can partner together for your child’s educational goals.” And it was SUCH a stark contrast to what I had experienced the night before. I’m all for maintaining professionalism when necessary but it was just really strange.

3. How has knowing your true identity in Christ helped you in your life.

It keeps me grounded when I want to start comparing my growth to anyone else’s. Or their journey to mine. When I can remember that I’m literally doing the work He called me to do. That I’m his workmanship, doing the works he prepared in advance for me to to. Then all that rest doesn’t matter. My journey is my journey.

Click here to watch this podcast and for a chance to get on Sarah’s wait list for her next copywriting class.