April 15, 2019

Redeem Your Voice!

I saw her briefly.
She sat alone with her head down and her beer glass left untouched.
God said He had a word for her.
So I gently approached her and started to share how she is loved by God. Her hard shell became softer.
Then I shared briefly to not stop believing in her dreams and that her voice is powerful even if momentarily she feels it has been shut down. I said a few other words I can’t remember but I knew Holy Spirit found a heart to land on.
So grateful to be a friend of the Holy Spirit so He can do HIS thing.
She asked if she could give me a hug and thanked me saying that’s exactly how she felt and needed the hope.
How about you?
Can you relate to the feeling of your voice being stomped on and quieted by the rage of circumstances around you.
Do you feel lost in an abyss of emotion and disappointment, maybe even regret?
Can you really re-start again despite the crash?
There is hope. You can redeem your voice.
I personally know what it’s like to feel defeated, lost in the striving of trying to find hope in my purpose.
I know the feeling of losing my passion behind the voice, the identity God has given me.
Your voice is the core of who you are.
It’s directly linked to the One who called you and infused in your very DNA a specific purpose, a defined destiny.
Ironically, I lost my voice after I retired from over 15 years at a Christian Radio Station where every day I used my voice which was the heart of my passion: speaking life.
I remember one day, after I left the position, desperately trying to find purpose amidst this time of feeling stripped away from something I really enjoyed. (I retired for family reasons as we were moving)
After radio, I worked and worked many home business all to end up with lots of money spent and no money gained.
I shot lots of video trying to create a new identity from my pursuit of online marketing.
Then it happened. I landed an amazing social media job.
I dug in for two years working tirelessly on marketing strategies to expand the reach online for my client.
Half way through this assignment, my husband calmly said to me one day,
“Theresa, you are losing YOUR voice.”
I was a tad agitated. I thought… “I’m helping spread the Word of God! What does he mean I’m losing my voice!??”
In my pursuit of pleasing my client, I spun out toiling long hours on his voice.
I ignored my own passion to speak and write.
Worse, I ignored my family.
That job came to an abrupt end.
And I realized the truth. I had lost my voice. (Thank God I did not lose my family)!
The next few years came the answers to finding voice again.
My heart needed an overhaul as did my identity.
From this time of “Listening to the Vinedresser”, I was given keys to unlock my heart, my voice again. (Two devotionals “Listen To The Vinedresser: 31 Declarations OF Who You Are In The Vine” were the result of this time.
I discovered where exactly the breakthrough comes to redeem your voice.
It’s not too late. You can get past the shame, the fear, the drama of the trauma, the doubt and loneliness.
You can find the real breakthrough that becomes like a huge anchor thrown out in the stormy seas of your life’s tsunami to find hope again….
To anchor you in this truth.
You have a voice.
I learned the truth that breakthrough comes in the “house of wine.”
What does that mean.
I’m real excited about this key Holy Spirit revealed to me.
I’d love to share what it means in a free webinar along with the report/audio “7 Keys To Redeem Your Voice”.
Get it here:
Speak. The world is listening…You have an EXTRAordinary solution to their pain point!
Talk soon.
In The Vine,
PS I offer a rare opportunity after you register for this webinar to set up a complimentary one one Identity Blueprint Call. A $97 value but yours free if you want to get a jumpstart on…finding your voice again.
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