November 4, 2018

Rebuilding With Keys To Identity
Podcast #54


Some of you who regularly get my messages may have wondered where I went.

I’ve been quiet. If you remember some of my last messages, I was sharing how God was taking me through an Amos 9:11 repair and restore process.

What came after this, was rebuild.

So I’ve been busy rebuilding and refining my purpose with some impartation of wisdom in my field from a mentor.

The rebuilding was a “doing” period (not striving) of strategic moves that lined up from my purpose to my identity to my destiny.

Some 20 plus new members have been added to the Kingdom Mentor Academy.

Testimonies abound..

Pam who has walked away from control to find real freedom in Christ.
Dawn who has gotten over the trauma of the drama to be a hero in her family.
Julia who has walked away from emotional high-jacks by walking in authority from her identity.

Pretty cool.

If you want to see more of what I’ve been doing, A Free Webinar,  click here or copy and paste the link below:

I wanted to release to you a word I heard from God a few years ago in Jacksonville, Florida.

Holy Spirit says you need to hear it today:

God said…..
“I see The Lord handing out keys, lots of keys into hands of His much loved sons and daughters. The keys unlock the doors of the high and low places of life.

“As you unlock the doors you are bringing a new song, from the very heart of heaven with a cadence rich in beauty and majesty. These songs break chains and open new doors for people bound by addictions, ensnared by greed, and fenced in by offense.

“The keys also get you in doors of government, high ranking officials and wealthy men and woman.
You use these keys and every door unlocked you enter bringing the Father’s heart.

“You release the tune which produces a domino effect of changed lives and more new songs resounding with sweet and tender sounds from high places in heaven!

“He is giving you the keys. The song will come as you unlock the doors in front of you.

“Use it on yourself. Unlock your heart and sing! Someone is waiting for you! “

In the Vine,


PS The latest of a rebuild process is a webinar about breakthrough into identity and destiny. Want to join me?
Spaces are filling up. Click here to join me for a free webinar on Breakthrough IN Identity To Destiny.

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