December 6, 2021

Do You Need A Prophetic Word

I have been walking on the “Promise Land” making declarations and prophetic proclamations.

As I strap on my gun, I go and check on the deer to see how much of the corn they eat that we lay out for them. (By the way they LOVE it and eat it all without leaving a speck left.)

Then…I thought of you friend.

I declare a suddenly to come on you..

A suddenly answer to prayer for a loved one.

A suddenly reverse of a decision in your favor.

A suddenly appearance of money..

Suddenly… for the glory of God!

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I had a suddenly today as I was walking on the Promise Land!

With the gun on my shoulder (not hunting but added for a little protection), I was walking down a trail thinking I’d be scaring the deer when…


Behind me jumped a huge deer and trotted beside me scampering away.

The suddenly was thrilling yet quite alarming!

I scampered up the deer stand to get my wits and then suddenly enjoyed the view!

So friend. Watch for a suddenly to come upon you… and take time to enjoy it!

Listen listen..I know I know…

You are ready for a suddenly breakthrough. But you’re sick and tired of hearing that word “breakthrough” and you see anything but breakthrough. It’s like dishes breaking as they’re thrown against the wall breaking in pieces. The result is you put a wall around your heart. You do now want to hurt again. You’re tired. You’re wondering if there is a closed door to heaven.

Take heart. They are not. 

With that…let me have you read this next word to see if it sparks a fire back in your heart where you can take the walls down and simply enter His Presence. It’s about you riding a regal horse. 

Check the definition of regal: “Regal resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified.”

This is you

When Breakthrough Seem Slow: The Regal Horse Prophesy:

You are helped on to a beautiful horse that has this amazing saddle. It’s loaded with gold gems and diamonds and the leather is soft and supportive.
This is the King’s horse. His much loved sons are helping you mount it.

He wants YOU to ride it because He knows you can be trusted with one of his war horses. The saddle is simply the reflection of His royalty.
As you go forward in to a plain…He tells you to let go of the reigns.

Why? Because this horse knows some areas in the mountains that you would never be able to know to direct Him. He knows of the cool resting spots that are an oasis of His Presence to refresh you and strengthen you in your spirit identity. The horse knows the tricky trails through the valleys that contain rivers of gold and provision that you will need for your vision’s destiny.

The HORSE moves at a pace where you can clearly see majestic sites that you never dreamed existed.

This is you. A forerunner for the Kingdom of God. ON a journey of trust and love. You can ride this horse anytime…says the Lord. Be not dismayed at the regality of the saddle. You belong in a saddle like this…He says. So many more rides ahead too.

…So get on friend and ride…. rest…come from that place of peace. This horse has as it’s compass peace and hope. So ride often and let go of the reigns!….

Finally…did not mean for this to be so long..But I wanted to remind you I have left open the door for Voice Camp until Christmas.

Click here…if you are not a member of THE VOICE CAMP…..this for forerunners and war horses ready to know their identity so they can have the resources and capacity to fulfill their destiny successfully…in the vine.

Stay abiding..

IN the Vine,


PS PLEASE don’t miss this suddenly invitation out before the door closes. When it closes…it suddenly closes…This is your fellow Regal Horse Community. Click here now!