December 30, 2018


Hide and Confide in The Light In 2019

I’m struggling sharing this Prophetic Word as I write to you at the end of 2018. I have spent the past month deliberately hibernating with God, turning my mind off normal plans, strategies and such to really lean into the Father to hear what He has to say…… I am so aware if I don’t continually line my identity with who He says I am, these words are just that ...words. My understanding of who I am is directly linked with my ability to write, think, dream and walk with God. Let me just say this. God’s dream and plans for our lives are bigger than what we can conceive. So can we ponder this as we align ourselves with our true identities: We are HIS much loved Children. So this is what God gave me:2019 will be a time turn to hide in the light, in the secret place of His embrace, not only for protection for your heart but also so He can confide (reveal) the deep glorious secrets of treasures and divine heavenly strategies has for you.. The theme verses for this Word comes from the Passion Translations Psalm 31: "Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings— all for those who honor and worship you! Everybody knows what you can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you." Psalm 31:19 AND then check out this in verse 20: "So hide all your beloved ones     in the sheltered, secret place before your face.     Overshadow them by your glory-presence....." This word also comes from revelation from Jeremiah: And Jeremiah 33:3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. In this latter verse the Jeremiah was confined as he had been captured by the King of Babylon. I point this out because you may be in a prison of your own making or by someone who has breached your personal boundaries in life. There is still hope for you. Captured or not, this word is an offering from Holy Spirit that as you tuck your heart away often in Glory Light of His Presence, He has so many riches and revelation to pour out on you. He showed me in my search of Scripture many benefits to this deliberate action. Two stand out. The first is a renewed joy from the healing of your soul. Oh how we need a good drink of joy amidst the daily challenges and assault on our mind from media. Check this verse: "But let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy." Psalm 5:11 tpt Such a blessing comes to your heart as you learn to camp out often in the Secret place and to allow His Glory Light to shine on areas of your soul that need His touch for healing. I believe this is the tangible joy in the healing you will experience as you walk in hiding in His Glory-Presence. Your strength will be renewed amidst the challenges throughout the coming year. What exciting joy it is to be free of any drama of the trauma to be able to help others. The second key is huge. You receive acceptance, help, and hope in a Father. You will never feel orphaned or left out as He rises up within you gently embracing you as a loving Father. "Your spirit will often join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!"] For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!” Romans 8:15-16 tpt Yes you will be found in the LOS family: Lover of the Son Family, connected in The Vine, in the sweet spot of your life. I understand there are many struggles on the battlefield from those closest to you. Whether it’s a spouse, children, or even those you work alongside. You might have had years of being hit by bombs of negativity or painful misunderstandings. You are wore out from what seems like no change in your circumstances. The process has been so excruciating and mentally agonizing. I am so sorry for that. I do understand the deep ache in your heart. But this is the year of change and protection as you deliberately hide yourself in the light of Jesus and be found responsible for simply your own emotions and inner life. Ask often in your hidden place, what is on HIS Heart. For some this will be a place where you can remember what God says about you and have a space and time to return to your true identity. For others this will be a time where you drink deep from the pool of His love and find a renewed joy. Still others will find the powerful healing of their soul in the reflection of His Light on the inner wounds that have festered all these years. Expect Him to reveal more secrets of His Heart. These are the deep and revelatory words of Wisdom for you to walk in and see double restoration and breakthrough in this coming year. If you feel your overwhelmed with what is going on in your world, another way of explaining this to you is simply this:  Lay your bruised and tattered heart in an embrace in Him. Hide under His Wings of love. In the Light of His Presence He longs to revive you and reveal tender hidden private words from His heart just for you." There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises." Psalm 25:14 tpt You can then pick up His sword and fight….from heaven. The fight is only in being relentless to run often back to Him and let Him confide again in who you are in His eyes. In this sacred place you can rest in His field of grace and love and discover your greatest fuel to combat the torments assaulting you. As you hide often in this place, you learn to hear Whispers from Heaven (The Vinedresser) full of the designs and frequencies of Heaven, divine strategies to walk on confidently. You also are invited to His Table to drink the sweetest wine of revelation that puts joy to the creativity and formation of who He made you to be. God is looking for a people who walk out this word in intimate devotion to Him. He is placing new mantles on those who come from this place of hiding so he can confide more of His divine treasures and secrets from heaven. This is the new place where your dreams come alive. The gifts He has given you will drip with oil of Holy Spirit and have the anointing to break any barriers holding you back. He knows He can trust you because you have learned to be faithful tucking yourself often away from the clammer of life and nestle close to Him. How does this resound with you? I simply feel some authors, some amazing worship leaders, some creative forerunners in the arts, some amazing entrepreneur leaders and some real Champions of the Kingdom are reading this. I also see those with crazy good creativity rising up with courage to release their ideas with confidence in the marketplace. You really do have an “extra” anointing to what you think is ordinary. This extraordinary is going to be a real lasting solution to the pain points found in people looking for the real deal.  I believe He is talking to you. He is saying this is going to be a great year! My prayers and hopes are released for you. Dave and I will be the ones in the grandstands of your life waving our white towel cheering you on as our ceiling becomes your floor. So…" Everybody knows what YOU can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you...” Psalm 31 In the Vine, Theresa PS I have a Vinedresser Word and a Video that goes with this Word. Stay tuned here at