November 6, 2022

grief journey

I really hope you don’t mind if my sharing here comes from my journal and a tiktok. Australia. (Flying Internationally was an interesting challenge by the way)

I love this quote from Elisabeth Elliot.

“And He has a lot up His sleeve that you and I haven’t the slightest idea about now. He’s told us enough so that we know that suffering is never for nothing.” Elisabeth Elliot

At 59 years old I can go in two directions with my emotions.

I can be slapped down, frozen by regrets, or I can fasten my faith to God’s miracle working power to believe my best years are ahead of me.

Can you relate to that circumstance?

I think the struggle at this moment is the fact I feel I have to start over! From finances to life in relationship with my adult children

I know I have lots of time ahead with kids as they are tenderly so young still!

Financial? I’m asking God to help me continue to walk in my dreams and be able to live off them. But I trust Him. As I wait, I’ll worship, ask, and do the next thing….Substitute teaching in the large county of Forsyth. And I’ll pick back up my Voice Over Business, and continue with writing and podcasting (Kingdom Mentor Podcast).

I believe God!

I read again this verse from Ezekiel in my readings..

And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O Lord God, You know.”
Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
Ezekiel 37:3-4 

This encouraged me because it came back to a subject/mission that I feel all the more compelled to continue and it has to do with your voice.

Find your voice. Share your voice. Market your voice.

I feel strongly for you that you daily seek to redeem your voice because of the impact you can hand.

I feel empty of words right here. So I am going to share from an author that has encouraged me many times, Vance K Jackson.

I pray it blesses you friend. He wrote:

“In this season, and in every season, it is important to be led by God in everything that you both say and do. The Hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel and God’s Hand is on you. God will carry you through the valley. Even though dry bones may surround you, don’t be discouraged by what you see around you, God sent you there in order to do something miraculous for Him.

“The Hand of God is with you to transform cultures and to ignite environments. Speak life into your workplace, speak life over your family, speak life into your dreams and visions. Speak life into forgotten about dreams, visions and goals. Stay the course and speak life to the valley of dry bones. Say what God is saying. Restore hope in others. Help others fulfill their dreams. Fulfill your dreams. It’s time to build.”

I’m always an e-mail away..or a post on my blog. (thank you to those who comment there).

Share with a friend.

Be you. Stay in your own lane.

IN the Vine,


Learn More Tips On How To Find Your Voice, Share Your Voice, Market Your Voice

And follow the grief journey of Theresa Croft sharing from the depth of pain with healing words from Holy Spirit.

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