December 1, 2019

Open Doors For Your Voice-Podcast #92

I see an open door for you with the turnaround that is coming. Yes, the turnaround stamped with all of God’s favor and grace. No matter the trials you may feel open doors are here. He is a miracle working God fulfilling His promises, even behind the scenes. He is moving in and through you. So, keep trusting and walking. It might be a fight at times to just keep it together. But your are not too far gone. Hope is never lost. The shift in the turnaround is this fact: God is establishing His remnant into position to not falter, even when the doctor, or the teacher, or the specialists news is bad. You are going to be ok. I believe He has open doors to the supernatural realm for you now to mirror what’s in heaven. You take that reflection and shine it on your circumstances. And then watch! You become a magnet for all of God’s goodness, grace, and mercy for more! You stride into the breaker anointing with His DNA moving in you to impact more hearts with the hope of heaven. Reach and walk through this open door by faith and belief. I believe God holds the light at the end of the tunnel and the answers to your prayers. Open Doors For Your Voice I see turnaround for you with all of God’s grace and favor behind it! Walking in your true identity releases you into the right kind of activity leading you to transformation! Are you ready for the door to be opened? Check out Black Friday to Cyber Monday to December 14th special for the Kingdom Mentor Academy. Click here now! And now a word from the Vinedresser about Open Doors.....Listen. "I am here beloved handing out keys, lots of keys into hands of My much loved sons and daughters. The keys unlock the doors of the high and low places of life. I will direct you to each door of influence. "As you unlock the doors you are bringing a new song, My sound, from the very heart of heaven, with a cadence rich in beauty and majesty. These songs break chains and open new doors for people bound by addictions, ensnared by greed, and fenced in by offense. "Open your hand dear Child. The keys I'm giving you also get you in doors of government, with high ranking officials, and wealthy men and women. I have spoken to them in dreams and visions. You will be the VOICE of Hope, Wisdom, and most of all...LOVE! "Some know Me. Some do not but are looking for the real ME as I've put a spiritual hunger in their very soul. You get to use these keys and every door unlocked you enter bringing the Father’s heart. "Turn the key in faith. Speak boldly yet tenderly to these men and women dominating their sphere of influence. "You, My dear child, release the tune which produces a domino effect of changed lives and more new songs resounding with sweet and tender sounds from high places in heaven! "Yes, I am giving you the keys. The song will come as you unlock the doors in front of you. "Use it on yourself. Unlock your heart and sing! Someone is waiting for you! Someone is waiting to listen and drink the wine of your devotion to Me. "I love you. I am proud of you. You have great value." Love the Vinedresser Croft, Theresa. Listen To The Vinedresser Volume 2: 31 Declarations Of Who You Are In The Vine . Kingdom Messenger Network. On Amazon. You are enough. You carry great value in your voice. I believe in you. In the Vine,
PS Thanks for subscribing and sharing reviews on my podcast--The Kingdom Mentor Academy--On I-Tunes (also available on Stitcher, Spotify, and i-Heart Radio). PSS The reduced price for The Redeem Your Voice Camp ends soon.