June 3, 2017

When Breakthrough Is Slow

What do you do when the perfume smells sour and your breakthrough never seems to come. I remember thoughts on this from a past birthday. This past week for more birthday fun I was able to truly be grateful and reflect BACK... First things first. Let my breakthrough be your breakthrough. Let my testimony be your "do it again" God for me breakthrough.
A visit from Chasty King, a member in my Kingdom Mentor/Media Group.
May I testify?  Birthday Week 2017 was a sweet gift from My Poppa! God always knows for that which your heart needs and cries out. He is ever faithful to arrange for His faithful lovers of Him find the bonuses to an intimate relationship with Him. For me... the bonus is a husband who loves me and cherishes me, and always makes room for my soul needs. Bonuses to knowing Jesus this birthday week were wrapped in dinners (@khatchig7 ) with lifers, lunch with a Spiritual Mom/dear friend, and a trek through the woods of Sweetwater Park with an amazing friend that God gifts me to do life with.... (@meredithbthomas) FRIENDS: The ones who share the sweet wine of fellowship from the Vineyard of their hearts....from their relationship with JESUS! He is a good good Father! “Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.” Prov 27:9 tpt I know times at birthday's and holidays are not always sweet. I know life does not always smell like roses. I also know of times when the heat is blasting, the trials are beating you down, and you need a well to drink from of sweet water and not bitter. A few years ago...I had a birthday that tested me to the limits.... May I share some thoughts from that day. Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe not. I'd love to hear your feed back. PROPHETIC THOUGHT ON BREAKTHROUGH: I believe sometimes right before a breakthrough or even in the midst of breakthrough, you may feel all sorts of shake ups. You may seem frazzled in your mind. You may have misunderstandings with your spouse or kids. Or you may simply think that God has really forgot about your dreams and the destiny that goes to the core of who He made you to be. Take heart. You are right where God wants you. SPEAK LIFE OVER YOURSELF...or find a Kingdom friend who will bring out the gold of who you are in Jesus.Look into the mirror and prophecy over yourself. The real issue is often about what you believe. Soak in His Presence. Make declarations of who you are in your spirit identity... God spoke to me ever so tenderly as the Vinedresser, the other day. He told me I could share it with you: “I read your heart like an open book. I know what you are going to say before you speak. In all this I say that I love you and have purpose for you. All you see is pain. I see a branch ready to bear more fruit. Cling to Me. Tend to the calling that I have placed on you. Nurture it. Work in faith. Take care of it and you will have fruit to feed your family. Serve me with all your heart in love. My interest is now your interest so do all things with love and excellence. You have a one of a kind face with your destiny. I put in your DNA the power to reign, thrive, and win. Trust Me. Believe. Be found abiding, not striving, in the Vine” The Vinedresser Take courage. Stay abiding. Be found resting. WATCH for your breakthrough. In the Vine, Theresa I always appreciate it when you share your thoughts. Share this with a friend. Thank you.