November 15, 2015

Peace In The Valley

I'll never forget that day we entered Leah Davis's hospital room. We were asked by Chris Oliver of Bethel Atlanta if we would visit her at the request of her sister, who also attended church there. We go often to hospitals or hospices to pray, and always consider it an honor. So, with faith resounding in our hearts, we entered her room. We sensed peace in the valley (hospital room).  There sat a beautiful, calm young lady, who was facing the battle of her life. Faith was rebounding over and over from her yes to God. We knew Leah had hid herself often in the secret place, with just herself and her healing God.  You can read her story by clicking here.  She had such a gentle smile as she met our gaze and our words of faith over her. My husband Dave gets this look in his eyes as the Holy Spirit moves on his heart. As he shared about his own battles with a car wreck almost three years ago, you could see how his testimony of faith was greatly encouraging Leah's faith. And then Dave stretched out his hand over Leah and said "LIVE"!! "I felt the Holy Spirit and instantly sweat started pouring off my back," said Dave. "I felt the the heat of the Lord coming from my lungs. It was as if He was breathing through me." We continued sharing and telling her we believe God could help her even through the chemotherapy. Her story is such a testimony of God's care as she did go through chemotherapy without the usual devastating side effects. (She said the chemotherapy treatment did not wear her down like the nurses told her it would.) Leah eventually went home. After a few months of treatment with chemotherapy, again without the usual drastic side effects,  the doctors said she had no trace of Leukemia.  Even though she had this turn around, the doctors still wanted her to go through a stem cell transplant. Here is Leah's latest update:
"I am in Emory University Hospital and will receive a stem cell transplant next week. My brother Cyrus was an identical match and is my donor - yet another testimony. Please keep me in your prayers as I know this is another step in preparation for my assignment. Once you are in the valley (I fear no evil and death for thou art with me) and experience what it is you are to learn, you go back up to the mountaintop.
"Your territory is enlarged. You can do exactly what it is God needs you to do - to help others. I'll be posting my testimony soon. What the enemy means for bad because he doesn't want to see you move any further in your assignment, God uses for good to move you to the highest calling. Thank you for all your love, support, prayers, and encouragement!" --Leah
What are you facing? Do you believe God can give you peace and healing in your valley? the Vinedresser
"Dear child. I am your oasis. Come to Me and find the gift of perfect peace. Come inside the garden and be saturated with my Presence. Leave your worries, your burdens, your fears and your sickness.  I am here to calm your emotions and heal your body. No need to be troubled as you find the rest and refreshment in Me. I am your oasis with perfect peace in the Vine. No mattered the battering storms of your circumstances in life, I can teach you how to sleep in perfect peace in the boat. "Stay steady by keeping your mind and heart on me. Learn the ways inside the garden and you'll discover I'm humble, gentle and easy to please.  You will find what you are looking for. So rise up. Be courageous and join your life to Mine and find the peace and healing you are looking for in the Vine. No need to strive. Join your life with Mine and abide. In the Vine." Love The Vinedresser You can continue to pray and support Leah. Click here now and join your faith with hers. In the Vine, Theresa