November 20, 2015

We have all faced it in one form or another. Rejection. You might have been rejected by a mother or father. Or maybe a spouse walked out the back door, or stomped on you. How do you deal with rejection. I believe this is a ugly spirit that rises up from a root of fear in an orphan spirit. This is someone who does not know their identity and continues to fall into a pattern of wrong behavior. They may have the truth of being loved by their Father in their mind, but there are crevices in their heart where it it is not fully manifested. Even a mature Christian can trip up by this spirit with certain issues that bring back that feeling of rejection. Personally, I don't have all the answers. Not even a handful. But, I do have His Word and the ability to soak asking for revelation in overcoming rejection in the Vine. As I was praying the other day, He spoke something basic I could do.  He told me to be like the tribe of Judah and go forth in battle spiritually in praise and worship of Him.  That means, to magnify Him, and not the spirit or feelings associated with rejection. Praise and worship breaks the bars on any heart and keeps an open heaven atmosphere around you with peace, hope, and more revelation. Think on this:  Because Christ lives in you, you are the open heaven wherever you go. Of course, I really love when the Vinedresser speaks... Feel stomped on in rejection? He is near for your the Vine! Listen To The Vinedresser "Your feeling of rejection makes you say and do things that can hurt others and yourself. Come to me my child. Rest in My arms and let me remind you of how I see you. As your heart feels a deafening thud which leaves you shattered and broken, this is when I am most near. I am here to save you from yourself with your stormy emotions, your crushing blows. Listen beloved. Even if your father and mother abandon you, I never will. I take you into My Vineyard and surround you with healing songs of enduring love, hope, and peace. You have my assurance  that I deeply love you and you belong... in the Vine. You are Mine. "Don't give up child. Don't lose your patience or anger. Be wrapped, be entwined with Me. You will find courage in Me to be brave and never lose hope. Even the sting of My correction can be sweet. You are meant to bear much fruit so despise not the knife that cuts away the bruise from the fruit and trims the branches (you). In this painful process, I will never walk away from you. You belong in the Vine. I will not forsake you. In this storm of life, I softly speak I love you. "Release your emotions on Me child. When you scream out that you feel shattered, helpless and doomed, I rush in with My fiery love to rescue you. Come closer. Here you can lay the troubled beats of your heart and soak in the soothing comfort of My Presence. I am your true tower of strength, your safe place, your true shelter, your hideout, your tree fort high up in the Vine. I am near. Miracles are possible. No strive. Simply abide. In the Vine." Love the Vinedresser Do you know someone who has felt some blows of rejection. Share this word from the Vinedresser on Facebook! In The Vine, Theresa