February 18, 2017

 Open Door With The Turnaround

I see an open door for you with the turnaround that is coming. Yes, the turnaround stamped with all of God's favor and grace. (Click here for the full prophetic word for 2017  in video.) No matter the trials you may feel open doors are here.
Even though, I have literally hit a wall with struggles from a wreck a month ago, and watching my husband experience gut wrenching pain, one truth remains. As I quote Dave:
"No circumstance or hardship, nor crisis, or lack of physical healing, could ever cause a limitation on the Holy Spirit's ability to flow out of you.”
He is a miracle working God fulfilling His promises, even behind the scenes. He is moving in and through you.
So, keep trusting and walking. It might be a fight at times to just keep it together. But your are not too far gone. Hope is never lost.  The shift in the turnaround is this fact:  God is establishing His remnant into position to not falter, even when the doctor, or the teacher, or the specialists news is bad. You are going to be ok.
I believe He has open doors to the supernatural realm for you now to mirror what’s in heaven. You take that reflection and shine it on your circumstances. And then watch! You become a magnet for all of God’s goodness, grace, and mercy for more! You stride into the breaker anointing with His DNA moving in you to impact more hearts with the hope of heaven. Reach and walk through this open door by faith and belief.
I believe God holds the light at the end of the tunnel and the answers to your prayers. I see turnaround for you with all of God's grace and favor behind it!
Listen! The Vinedresser is speaking to you with this declaration:
I will walk through God's open doors. What God opens no one will shut. What door God shuts, no one will open. I believe in my miracle working God.
Listen To The Vinedresser
"There is a shifting. Re-alignment is coming. With this comes a new door to open.for you My beloved. The password is praise and a yes from your heart. Watch My yes collide with yours and see an outpouring of all my good and precious promises. This will be a time where you see it's been worth the wait as your turnaround begins. So, don’t fret child. I see how you get down and how tired the pressing issues are on your heart. Lift up your head. My faithfulness is here. You can trust Me....
"Do you see the open door before you? It’s Me leading the way. You cried out and I came to you. Now, come in and let’s dine together on the feast I have created in this intimate spot. You can get your fill of the grapes with their miracle working nourishment.   My Presence is constant and flowing with My wine of revelation. Add your laid down heart of praise and worship and experience  a most sweet fragrance that instantly refreshes your soul.
Your messes don’t move me. Your unresolved issues in your family are not road blocks. Your prayers for your wandering child or family member are always heard. Your physical pain does not mean I don’t heal. Hold on. Don’t let go. I am a miracle working God.
Listen and be attentive as you take this step through love's open door. Keep saying yes in this secret place of My heart, I bring forth a never ending flow of My goodness and My favor into your life. This brings the peace you crave, the hope you long for, the healing that makes everything ok. So take courage my Child. All this and more simply flows from your identity as you come to understand I am aways good; I call you My child; My love is here to amaze you and wrap around your heart. My kindness will astound you as you see Me fulfill My promises in your life.
So take My hand and lets go through this new door I open. No strive. Just abide.
Love the Vinedresser
I so appreciate the prayers from so many of you. 
How important is it to have prayers from others? Do I ever thank God in prayer for those who pray for me? There have been times when a text back…”I love praying for you.”  or “I’m on it throwing down on the enemy” or simply "we are making declarations of the goodness of God on you”…
These words have been sweet words of love from my Father. 
Thank you!
In the sweet spot-In The Vine,
PS Be sure to share this with a friend who might need to be reminded there is an open door for turnaround for them.