September 16, 2015

God's Voice With Media Ministry:  Favor

LORD, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong... ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭30:7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
I can still hear Patricia Kings saying this to me in my mind, speaking this verse as she looks into the camera.
It was quite a few years ago when I felt in shambles on where to go with my burning desire to work and help messengers share their message online. It was something I could not shake. It was in my DNA to speak life and help others with their movements for the Kingdom with a media ministry.
  One afternoon I took my tired and weary heart to the kitchen table and sat down to watch Patricia King on my computer. I saw the heading, "God's Media Army" with an interview with James Goll. As Patricia and James began to speak and share the movement of the Kingdom media mountain, my heart leaped. 
Their message and activation of this media ministry vision was like drinking a tall glass of water after weeks in a desert.
At the end Patricia had a prophetic word. She peered into the camera lens and her words pierced my heart. I knew God was speaking to me through this word of knowledge. I remember her saying to not give up, because God hears the cries of my heart. And even though there had been mountains of opposition, God would make a way, that His favor would be on me.  She ended her word with Psalm 30:7 “LORD, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong..You can watch the actual clip above in the video!
I knew the journey was just a new beginning of sorts as I got up from the table and heard the Lord say, "Yes, your vineyard can be ministry marketing online for the messengers..." From then on I dug in again and continued my earnest online marketing training, all the while being immersed in the Word with my desire to know more about God's Kingdom. 
I remember one day after this video encounter, my husband started to call me his "fruitful vine". I never had mentioned the vineyard thought to him and was tremendously encouraged. It was like God gave me a kiss with those words as Dave continued to call me his fruitful vine.  
You may need a kiss from God like this example. 
May I encourage you to shake off the lies and false agreements running through your mind.  Break off thoughts like these...
"Favor is determined by what I do and my performance of being good."
"No one in my family has everhad any good luck (favor)."
Start believing that today is the beginning of God to show His favor! Look up the promises He speaks about you. You are an heir!
As you go through the process of life and continue to cling to the Vine, God has this way upgrading your life with more favor. Look for it. Believe it. Walk in it.
Your dreams still have purpose in God's heart. Your desire for healing, provision or restoration has not been forgotten. Favor in these areas is all about relationship. Continue your relationship with God, lean on Holy Spirit, and expect drops of His favor around you. Look with the eyes of your heart, not your mind. When God speaks to your heart you will know it because His Spirit will leap inside of you. 
Some of you simply need to let Him hold you. Holy Spirit will cry with and for you. In this embrace comes healing and refreshment. 
The Vinedresser loves you and longs to pour His tender, extravagant, compassionate love and favor on you right this minute.
Listen to the Vinedresser
"I wrap you dear one with my unlimited favor and canopy of tender love. The glory of My splendor is pouring more tenacious strength into your life. My marvelous favor lifts you high as you become magnets for more of My kindness and approval. You don't have to strive for this favor, dear child. It's found in the intimacy of abiding with me through the process of life.
 "Because you steward well the favor I pour out each day, I will entrust you with even more tomorrow. Celebrate My blessings on those around you and watch the rebound effect. The favor I lavish on you becomes tremendous breakthroughs for you in your family, your health, your finances. My magnetic favor cascades around you reaching out to everyone you come in contact. You become the joyful carrier of my glory as the anointing I place on your words and actions extends this favor to others. Despise not the small things. Be found faithful.
Stay clinging to the Me and get ready. I have more extravagant the Vine.
Love The Vinedresser
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