August 12, 2018

Let’s talk? I’ll share on that but first… I’ve noticed a change that has brought amazing results in my mindset and even my physical health. It's helped me live in my authentic self. One change. What could it be? Sitting in silence before the Lord before I go on to reading my Bible or doing a devotional…before I start my day. It is so simple about this exercise because it leads me to emptying out any toxic thinking or fears trying to ruin a good day. I wrote this one morning trying to express what silence before the LORD was transforming my heart. Sometimes I struggle in silence Left alone to my own thoughts But I take a mental stance And open the door of my heart To enter His Presence There comes the wind To blow away the fears In comes peace to wipe the tears Silence is now my friend Silence is now my friend because in this intimate place with Jesus I find my authentic self. So, let’s my "In The Vine" room pictured above... This topic of finding your authentic self, your true identity, and how it relates to your purpose and destiny is huge. You can come in alignment so that fear and hijacked emotions no longer keep you from fulfilling your purpose. You can walk out in your true identity and find avenues of expressing your self and finding healing to your body. This is what I discuss as I ask you questions in my Identity To Destiny Blueprint Call. For a limited time I am offering this call free…no $1 to reserve, no $47 (regular $97) at the end if you are satisfied. Why am I doing this? Because it time for you to create the perfect blueprint that is in your very DNA, without draining your bank account or becoming overwhelmed and frustrated. If you're thinking “why free"...there must be a catch?" Then here are two reasons that should put your mind at rest. 1. The limited time for this to be free allows the Blueprint plan available to everyone, from Moms, Dad, Marketplace people and Kingdom Messengers looking to get out of the cycle of fear NOW.. 2 . It’s part of my authenticity. I am not always giving away things free but when I feel the Lord say open the doors now to more hearts, I like to obey. I also believe that once you receive The Identity To Destiny Blueprint with the 30 Day Action plan you will and see how much of a massive impact it can have on your life so you can be loving the content so much and want to stick around. So..It's time for you to live in your authentic self. There's no fine print, no hidden costs and no catch. Just the information you need and the results you want. I posted this on social media and already people are taking advantage of this limited time offer. Limited spots are filling up on my calendar. Whey they are gone they are gone. So go now. Click here to book your Identity To Destiny Blueprint Call. In the Vine, Theresa PS This will only be a limited time offer. I only have a few spots on my calendar…so book now. Click here!