September 26, 2015

 listen to the vinedresser

Listen To The Vinedresser:  He Is Worth The Climb

Thoughts from my journal when I’m spending time “in the vineyard” with Holy Spirit often land on these emails to you. God is really awesome about helping me express His thoughts on issues and situations you think about also amidst the day in and day out display of your life. Many “Listen To The Vinedresser” words come from this intimate place as I lay my heart bare before the Lord. Other times they are birthed out of praying for you!

Lately, I have enjoyed different translations of the Bible that Holy Spirit lights up like fireworks in my heart.  I always am impacted by the Passion Translation, but recently the Message Bible has been rocking my world. I was reading Matthew 5 and came to this conclusion:youarethebreakthrough

Jesus is my one true guide and teacher amidst the process called life. I desire to be relentlessly committed to the pursuit of His Presence (Holy Spirit) so I can clearly hear His voice, even if it’s a climb at times.

How about you? Are you one of the “committed ones” What climbing have you faced? May I encourage you to NOT put away your hiking boots and keep reaching for His Voice amidst your struggles.

You may really be in the midst of a climb right now. It might be soul wounds from past devastating times in your life. You can find healing to be made whole. My husband reminded me of this fact:

“There is an anointing which causes the Kingdom of heaven to invade earth. You walking in your true identity facilitates the doorway to healing and on the other side of healing is wholeness. You become whole so you can help bring healing to someone else!” -Firebrand Dave.

 Look at every problem as a chance to see a promise of God and a possibility….And if the struggle is with people, especially in your immediate circle think on this:   If God shows you negatives about people, He is charging you with responsibility to be the voice to execute the kindness into that person’s life. You have the spirit of breakthrough. You are the gift of God in their life. 
You are the breakthrough friend. Come up high and….listen…

Listen to the Vinedresser 

Will you travel with Me dear child up steep hills and through dry desserts to hear My voice? I long to teach deep wisdom secrets and sweet revelation to those who are relentless to travel further into what seems the darkest place in My vineyard. Here all is still. Here you feel the very branches of My Presence wrap around you. You are so wrapped in My anointed Vines that the slightest movement reveals my gentle healing touch.

This is a place for my committed ones. Here you feel the very tender beats of My heart as I speak intimate words of never ending hope, peace, and love. Here you realize what you thought was lost, what you thought was most dear to your heart, is replaced with an embrace in this secret place. I have great deposits of faith to pour out on you as you unwavering  seek who you are in the rows of My garden. Your steadfast pursuit here will be rewarded with a healed mindset and a renewed passion for what I put in your very DNA. Come, My intimate companions, and find how blessed you are, in the Vine!

Love the VinedresserBased on reading Matthew 5:
“When Jesus say His ministry drawing huge crowds, He climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to Him, CLIMBED WITH HIM. Arriving at a QUIET PLACE, He sad down and taught His CLIMBING COMPANIONS….”
In The Vine,
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