February 18, 2018

Kingdom Weapons To Beat Fear

You come face to face with fear. And the result is trauma being stirred up. You succumb and become ravished by it's unending appetite to devour your hope to be free. You may hide on a desert island of your own making intoxicated by your own pity or worry. Or you decide to go on a binge...from Netflix to food to drown out the resounding echo of pain and lost hope in your soul. I'm so sorry. I understand how you can be buried by the fruit of fear, from weary worry to debilitating doubt. But there is hope. You can have breakthrough. You can walk away from fear into a battle you will win. I've been leading a Kingdom Mentor Academy on Kingdom Weapons to beat fear. Five years ago I tried to teach this course and could not. Why? I was still lost not knowing to the full effect my true spirit identity. That's changed...as I came face to face with my fear while being in the tender embrace of my Father God. Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. Psalm 23:4 tpt

Kingdom Weapons To Beat Fear - Shalom

This week in the series for my Kingdom Mentor/Media Group we are on Session 4. I'm unpacking the meaning of the word Shalom and releasing keys how this is a great weapon to conquer fear. Shalom? You may ask? These steps to beat the angst of your heart are more simple than you may think. It comes from your spirit identity as you have inherited His peace, His health, and His total victory over fear. This may be the breakthrough you are looking for to step away from the drama of your trauma into the sweet spot of your destiny. Let's take a look at the word shalom as an example. This is not any ordinary peace….this is shalom! In John 14:27 at the last supper Jesus says… Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. —John 14:27 The word peace in this verse is our focus in the excerpt in the video above and one weapon you can use right now against fear. This word “peace” in Hebrew means shalom! This word is all encompassing meaning so much more that just peace of mind etc.. According to James Strong, a Hebrew scholar, shalom means: “'Welfare, health, prosperity, peace.  It also means 'a state of untroubled, undisturbed well-being. This means that what the Lord bequeathed to us as our inheritance was His very own health, His very own provision, and His very own peace." Shalom… My husband loves to give these kind of Shalom Handshakes… meaning…nothing missing, nothing broken. So Jesus gives us His peace. But there is a key to truly walking in this. You have to...."let not"...let not your heart be troubled. How to you do this…You BELIEVE and walk by faith..in your true spirit identity. Increase your belief and replace the lies that pound you with:..Oh I have a problem with fear"… to a declaration.."I have HIS peace and can let not my heart be troubled to walk in it. I do not have to yield to fear!" When you walk out this declaration..of the “let not”..the all-encompassing SHALOM peace of God can flow in greater measures in your life stomping out fear.   You have great value. You can be released into the full capacity and resources to succeed in your calling. Take advantage of my limited time consult calls to discuss more ways to handle fear so you can walk free in your gifting and call. Click here and also get a destiny plan before you book your call! I believe in you. In the Vine, Theresa PS The coupon "notofear" will expire soon. Click here now to get it now.