December 5, 2015

Breaker Anointing In You: You Have The Keys

I had shared a video last week about a "shift" and "keys". It has to do with you as His breaker anointing messenger. (Click here to watch it) I could not shake these words of keys. Then last Saturday I had something happen that all I can say was like an open vision. I'll spare you the details but it goes along with something that has been on my heart about hope, influence, and changing your belief thinking. Thoughts like this: The ones with the most influence have the most hope. You get hope unlimited in the womb of intimacy with Jesus. Hope can be thrown out to others like a seed of influence. This kind of hope shows others that they can have the same hope as they abide, rest, dwell, in the Vine. So in essence this is one set of keys that God lets you enter heaven in the spirit and release on earth. This is what being a breaker anointing messenger means. I believe He has some real keys to give you too, such as to offices, vehicles, homes etc. I have received testimonies of that already. I also believe He has keys to the supernatural realm for you now to mirror what's in heaven. You take that reflection and shine it on your circumstances. And then watch! You become a magnet for all of God's goodness, grace, and mercy for more! Reach and grab this by faith and belief as you pray, "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord!"  Someone needs a real glimpse of heaven. Someone needs the healing and hope of heaven. You have the keys. The Vinedresser says it best... Listen to the Vinedresser "You forgot something dear child. The key to intimacy is with Me. In this secret place you can hear what I am saying to you about your problems, your circumstances, your trials. So I beckon you again to come soak in the Holy Spirit healing balm found in My Vineyard of My tender care. "Here is one key. Here is one promise. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." You are not invisible to Me even though you feel you are to those around you. "I remain with a heart fully toward you with the intentionality of the goodness of My overflowing love. Take that one key child and speak it out loud. Your breakthrough is one word of My promise spoken out loud by faith and belief. This one key opens the eyes of your heart so you can see and  hear the resounding YES of heaven. "Now beloved, you are ready to engage in the spirit realm where you will have free and complete access to My Kingdom as I send you out as My breaker anointing messenger. You will be the door of hope. That hope carries the influences  which shifts atmospheres. You will be the one I entrust to handle the wealth of the storehouses in heaven as a faithful steward releasing resources wisely. You will produce My radical passion for jewels of heaven with souls saved, healings, miracles, training, equipping, and producing disciples who carry extra ordinary provision. You will use the keys that I give you to enter doors of those who run cities, states, and nations. The father heart I give you will be foreign to many you meet behind these closed doors. What would take years to accomplish will take minutes as you embrace them with the majesty of My love. "More doors will open. More walls will come down. Watch this happen in those closest to you first. Get ready My beloved. You are My hidden gem who I am ready to shine through. You've been through the fire. You've stood the test by resting in My love. You are the one I choose with all the keys to open more doors so My Kingdom will be released with no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. It all starts here with no striving but simply abiding in the Vine." Love the Vinedresser Does this resonate with you? In the Vine, Theresa