April 23, 2015

In The Vine Moments: Spending Time With God

I just had a precious moment with my 17 year old daughter during my normal "quiet time" with Jesus. The old me used to be so stoic and so religious about this time when I would open the Word and HAVE to be by myself. But as I learn this Kingdom life I realize more of God's Presence happens in moments of a day, not just during my quiet time in the morning. They  are truly "In The Vine Moments". It was such an honor to hear my young daughter share her dreams, laugh with her corny snap chats, and listen to the deep heart beats of love she has for God and others. This is truly the sweet spot...a special kind of in the vine moment. Amidst unpacked totes, a house in disarray after a move to a new location, God steps in with His sweet Presence. You can experience this yourself as you step into this loving, trusting, and obeying Kingdom life! You don't have to strive, simply abide! Be found in the Vine and watch HIM show up! It doesn't matter how much or how little you may have in your bank account... you can always overflow in His Presence. It doesn't matter if you feel like your life is a mess or you're facing discouragement. Look for Him to show up in your day today. It might be your child's giggle, a bill that needs to be paid, or a stranger you bump into at the store. LOOK and see how God will meet you right in that precise moment.
And walk, be, abide, and stay...IN THE VINE, in the sweet spot of living life by divine design. "Jesus thank you that you love us so much and love to simply BE with us. Thank you for teaching me to abide and not strive in The Vine, clinging to You, and experiencing abundant life." Do you have a story to share about spending time with God and experiencing His Presence? I'd love to hear about it!