June 8, 2016

Anna On A Washington State Mountain With My Brother Mike
I remember clearly one summer morning four years ago when my husband summoned me to the kitchen table to ask me a question and to talk. He knew I had been restless with where to go with my media assignment, especially after spending the last five months watching over his aunt with 12 hour shifts six days a week. She had just passed away and I roamed the house with a sad spirit. Dave simply asked me what was one of my greatest gifts? I looked puzzled NOT sure what he was getting at... He then spoke life over me about the gift to pray. He reminded me how for over 15 years I had prayed on air at the FM radio station (WWEV-Atlanta) where I was an announcer. He reminded me of how God used that to touch thousands of lives. And then, he told me to go back to praying live. How? No radio job. No television job. But.... I had my love for media online. That's all history now. I spent one full year, Monday through Sunday, getting up at 6 am (with my then 14 year old daughter) simulcasting a prayer time on video (Spreecast) and radio (Spreaker). I called it "Social Media Prayer".  I continued to pray online for Clients like the Passion Translation along with my soon growing Facebook page through the years. I share all this to encourage you to take your Kingdom Authority over the issues and circumstances that want to choke the life out of you. This gift is like a shooting rocket that can break open His Kingdom angelic force and tear asunder the demonic footholds in your life. Follow the lead of the Holy Spirit as you take new territory in prayer. The Holy Spirit told me to get this powerful book by Jennifer Eiavaz, called The Intercessors Handbook. This is no "dry, step by step" religious prayer handbook. Jennifer candidly shares the Kingdom principles of prayer with plenty of testimonies from her own life.to  This book has inspired me and so encouraged me as I continue praying over the hundreds of prayer requests we get each week on my Facebook page as I ask each night:  "How Can We Pray For You?" One kernel of truth from Jennifer rekindled the Kingdom principle in my heart on how you can take your Kingdom Authority over issues in your own family and your friends. Jennifer writes, "Another way spiritual authority works is that God gives a territorial mandate to a person—such as a city, nation or people group—and the Holy Spirit authorizes that person for the task...... "When such assignments are given, the spirit realm recognizes a person’s authority in that place. The angels align to assist the authorized person as they carry out their assignment, and the demonic realm recognizes that person as having specific authorization and reacts accordingly, as well...." I'm sure more of these Kingdom truths in this book, The "Intercessors Handbook: HOW TO Pray With Boldness, Authority And Supernatural Power" by Jennifer Eivaz will hit home in my heart and spirit. So, how about you friend?  Are you tired of feeling like you keep facing the same cruel circumstances that want to take you out for the count. Do the same issues trip you up leaving you spiraling down and drowning in the cesspool of negativity around you? I'm sorry the pain keeps making you feel like you've been sucker punched. I understand as you wonder if you can get out of the dark hole. But you can rise up and pray. Take the authority Jesus gave you. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive in you. Be relentless in seeking His Presence. Contend for the territory in your heart. Be lead By His Spirit as you pray. Decree and declare in prayer by the Holy Spirit. Ask wise praying friends to pray with you. Does this resonate? I highly recommend you get this book by Jennifer Eivaz. Read it and read it again. With her past history of dealing with the occult coupled with over 20 years of being a pastor alongside her husband, these testimonies of battles won through prayer will make your heart leap. I could not recommend a better book from someone who has testimony after testimony of the power of prayer. Testimony in Hebrew means "do it again." It's your turn to see breakthrough and prayers answered. Click here to get it now! Yes, the Vinedresser has something to say about this... How about I share that in the next email with a video! I am praying for you. Thank you for joining with me as He gives me an assignment as a Kingdom Media Messenger.  I am not presumptions about this mandate so I covet your prayers, and thank God often for you. IN the Vine, Theresa PS Maybe you know a friend who could use some help in prayer. Please share this link so they can be equipped for prayer by Jennifer's book!