March 24, 2018

I Can Only Imagine: Keep Believing
Podcast #49

My thoughts today are on this desire for you:  Keep believing.

I saw the movie “I Can Only Imagine” the other day. It’s the inspiring, incredible, and unknown true story behind MercyMe’s beloved song, I Can Only Imagine. (You can watch the video above or listen to my podcast to get my full excited reaction!)

Two major thoughts hit me. One is the power of dreaming and believing God deposited something that lines up with your hopes and desires. And, God can do exceeding more than we can think or imagine.

The other thought is the power of Kingdom family in relation to our destiny. To not ruin the movie if you haven’t seen it, a very popular Christian singer did something to display the fact: Destiny is found in community. (The community in the movie was with Contemporary Christian artists).

Keep Believing

God has stamped in your very DNA a specific purpose with a passion to be secure in the Vine, in the sweet spot of your destiny. You have a purpose. It might be that burning passion or love for something that no matter how you try to ignore it, the dream still burns like an ember in your heart. Ask God to stir your heart if you feel you lost your vision. Some days walk through the valley of discouragement.

There will be days you may have to face the negative critics who say it can’t be done. That resistance will build your faith in the process of you believing the promises of God over your life. Don’t freak out about it.

If you feel a stuck feeling or simply overcome by your own drama of the trauma, use this as a place to get healing and use the process for your own voice to arise from the ashes. Draw closer in intimacy with Jesus or find help from a mentor to discover your true identity. You can do this.

I do believe God is raising up His Kingdom people to dream big and setting them apart by the breaker-anointing that flows through His Bride. You are part of that remnant! Look for how God moves on your behalf. Give Him glory and watch it bounce off of you to others around you.

Keep dreaming, keep trusting! Watch God move on your behalf toward your dreams! Take a hold of this declaration and dream!

Declaration: “I can dream with God. My imagination is active for the purpose of God in my life. I will keep believing.

Listen to the Vinedresser:

“I have called you my dreamer child. I have made you intelligent and discerning in knowing Me personally and to truly grasp the immensity of the glorious way of life I have for you! Do you know the extravagance of My ways to work in you? Do you see the colors of My love wrapped around you?

“I give you endless energy, boundless strength to make your dreams come alive and be real. I give you confident hope in Me as I have called you to my glorious inheritance. Dream my child! I will often flood your imagination to experience this great hope of glory.

“Your life is My billboard displaying My love, My hope, My delivering power for all to see as I work in and through you. Walk in your dreams every moment as you plant your thoughts and imagination in the soil of My Vineyard for Kingdom greatness.

“Plant your thoughts here, not in the cesspool of the world, pride, or your past. I am the fulfillment of all your dreams! Let them grow here in the Vine! No strive. Simply abide.”

Love The Vinedresser


I believe in you. If you would like some sparks to your dreaming, I have a complimentary video teaching.

Click here to join me now by clicking here!

Praying…and believing for you.

In The Vine,


PS Feel free to sign up and share this teaching series with a friend who has lost their will to dream again.
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