October 3, 2015

Keep Hope Alive

My son has this wonderful habit. He asks me often.."Are you alright mom?" No matter what I may going through, I always answer in a positive.... So, he asked me again today. I stopped myself saying I was anxiously waiting (for a phone call or notification on something very important) and again said.. "I'm fine Will". Shaking my head,knowing I had an early morning of real struggles and doubts, I went back to the Word looking over the "milestone" chapters I had been perusing. Instead of checking my email on my phone for the 100th time, I knew what chapter to go to. Psalm 37. So I dug in...easing the anxiety tension inside with the soothing life give words of God. This verse stuck out: "Quiet your heart in his presence and pray; keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you." Psalm 37:7 tpt Keep hope alive. That has to be a "now" word for today. And the way to keep hope alive is so simply laid out in this verse from the Passion Translation... Get in His presence and be still, pray and proclaim the goodness of God over your life. I knew the Vinedresser had something to say about this.. So..let's listen together.. Listen To The Vinedresser My child, come into My Vineyard with your fear filled anxiety and gut wrenching worry. Take your eyes off what you are waiting for and rest your heart on the secure promises I have spoken over your life. Keep hope alive. Come to My banquet table and feast on my never ending faithfulness. As you learn to taste and see how good I am, you can walk daily making My Presnce your utmost delight and exquisite pleasure from which to leisurely bask. I will provide what you need and even what you desire the most. Your hopes and dreams are as alive in My heart as they are in yours. After all, I am the Creator of them. See My Hand reaching out to you? Hand over the reins dear one and give Me the right to direct your life as you trust Me along the way. You will find that simply managing your relationship with Me is so much easier than trying to manage people and the circumstances around you. I have a way taking problems, stress and fear away from you, pulling it off perfectly. Keep hope alive child. Let me be your justice. As sure as the sun comes up each day is as sure as you can be of my righteousness and acts of grace with favor. Shhh. Be quiet dear Child. No need to explain the whys and the hows... Simply come deeper into My Vineyard away from the arrows of anger, envy and revenge. They won't hit you here in My Presence. Take a seat. Let's talk. Do you remember all my great and precious promises. Reflect here on testimonies of past heros and present day messengers. Do you see what happens? My Love makes your hope come alive. As you make Me your total delight and pleasure, I have this way of providing exactly what you desire. Stay in the Vineyard dear one and give Me the right to direct your life. I will appear daily as your Hope. I will manifest righteousness, justice and provision. Keep hope alive. It's here...in the Vine! Love the Vinedresser We always love to hear from you! Feel free to share on our blog which makes it also easy to share on Facebook. Click here now. Keep hope alive friend! In the Vine, Theresa