January 25, 2016

Dave and me-- Riding Motorcycles -- Telluride

Hearing His Voice

A short thought to share about hearing His Voice. Can hearing God’s voice be a matter of life and death? It can be the difference in spiritual death for sure. But physical? Our family had an anniversary of a car wreck that my husband experienced three years ago. We still shudder and thank God that Dave is so sensitive to hear His voice. It was a cold January evening and Dave was going to deliver some food to a homeless man. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Usually we all go do something together as a family like this. Dave went down the hallway to ask me if I wanted to go but I had stepped into the shower by then. He got in his car and heard Anna playing the piano. So he got out to ask her. He says he was barely in the door when the Holy Spirit said emphatically, “NO”. So he got in the car a little puzzled but went on his way. He finally arrived at the exit where he knew this man had called. As he was going to get over to another lane, he saw a bright light and heard a real loud voice, say “GET OVER”. He did. And then the loud sound of a vehicle hitting him. BAM.  The picture to the right tells the story. This man in a 450 truck went on his way after crashing into Dave, hitting 16 more cars and finally hitting a car that killed a woman.  Glass was splattered into the dash on the passenger side but stopped right where Dave saw that flash of light on the driver's side. Anyone sitting in the passenger side? it would have been tragic. Not to mention that the air bags were never deployed. This is my husband’s testimony and he could explain it all better what happened that night and the following months and years of excruciating pain. The curve in his neck was affected. The first four months he could not sleep because the pain was so intense. At the brink of when he thought he could take it no more, Dave was lead to a book about a man ready to kill himself because of pain, trigger nerve pain. This was exactly what Dave was experiencing. So, we were lead to a doctor, who actually is a friend of the family, and Dave not only received treatment for the trigger nerve, but also the damage done to his teeth!! Now, three years later, he still suffers pain, but is walking out some amazing healing from his knee to his shoulder to his neck. He also freely shares this story in his life with others. I have seen countless people encouraged and strengthened by Dave's testimony.  I share all this simply to say you too have the gift to hear His voice. Every day He is there to speak to you. You don't have to chase after His acts. You can be like Moses and know His ways. This is simply found in understanding you are His much loved Daughter, Son, who He delights to speak to and show you His ways.  "He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel." Psalm 103:7 NKJ The more you hear HIM in the little the more you can hear Him in the big things. It can be a matter of life and death. Ask my husband. In The Vine, Theresa