November 26, 2017

He's Handing Out Keys Of Favor-Podcast #41

I am praying for God’s favor on your life. And I believe He's handing out keys to open doors of favor for! I say this with the utmost confidence that He has designed it for you. I did a simple word search in Scriptures on favor and like a tidal wave God's promises hit me.  His promises? Yes and AMEN in Christ Jesus. For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV And let’s be clear on a simple truth. God is the ONLY one who can grant favor before Himself and with men: "This I know: the favor that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favor rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his knees." Psalm 75:6-7 tpt This can keep you from striving to please everyone. This can keep you from striving to please everyone. As you do you work as unto God, you can be confident no matter how tough your boss or situation is, God still is the one who can give you favor.  And I truly believe He’s handing out these keys for favor right now! I was asking Holy Spirit for three key chain holders to give you a chance to formulate your own focus word on favor. He gave me the acronym G-O-D. Easy to remember. So…get a pen and paper out to write the meaning of each layer.
  • G- Gratefulness. God so loves a grateful heart no matter what is going on. Gratefulness is the door to favor.
"You can pass through his open gates with the password of praise. Come right into his presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to him and affectionately bless his beautiful name!” Psalm 100:4 tpt
  • O-Obedience. To love Him is to obey Him. As you love Him you realize quickly you don’t want to hurt His Heart. This is the key that opens the door and it’s the ultimate form of worship. I love this verse…reminding me that not only favor but HIS AFFECTION is toward me as I obey Him.
"His affection toward you has grown as he remembers your obedience and how warmly you welcomed him with fear and trembling." 2 Corinthians 7:15 tpt
  • D-Discipleship: Discipleship is the reality of living with the favor of God in your life. This is simply walking as a revivalist. You cultivate and keep intimate devotion to Jesus. You walk in your spirit identity in authority. You bring revival because revival lives in you. You continue to grow in Him with the Word of God as light to your path.
"The child grew more powerful in grace, for he was being filled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon him.” Luke 2:40 tpt God is positioning you in sphere of influence where you can handle the favor. Look for it…in your family, in your workplace, in your finances. It’s not just about you but those God has called you to impact. His FAVOR will help you talk to your flock. I shared more on this topic with specific declarations and prayers over the family in my Kingdom?Mentor/Media Academy. We always leave the light on for you to join this community of this premier coaching group. Let's get to this declaration and word from the Vinedresser Declaration: I have the favor of God in my life. It is a reality of being in the Vine with gratefulness, obedience, and growth as His revivalist. Listen to the Vinedresser: "My favor wraps around you and covers you with my affection, kindness and joy. Favor goes before you for increase in every area of your life. I long to be extravagant and generous every time you hide yourself in Me, in the Vine. So dear child, remain grateful as you rest in My soil of goodness and mercy. "In this Vineyard you will find the secret of growing in the delight and favor of My ways. Favor brought my daughter Esther before a King. It will do the same for you as I extend open doors and pleasures of spiritual wealth. I place My breaker anointing on you helping you to to blast through brick walls with My dripping oil of tender love and amazing grace on those around you. "Look intently as I champion your heart’s desire making you a mighty warrior filled to overflowing with the treasure of My affection. I am here to give you strength, wise strategy, and revelation insight to take your mountain of influence, in your family, in the arts, in the marketplace, in education, in government, in ministry. “Did I tell you? I love your grateful heart. I see your obedience, even when no one is looking. You are my revivalist changing the atmosphere for my glory everywhere you walk. You are the revival people are looking for because I put revival in your heart. “So my dear beloved, I extend My favor to you every time you approach Me with humility. You can be sure I will back you in every endeavor. In My favor is My anointing for you to bring others into My vineyard of love and grace. Abide in this favor today. No strive My beloved. Simply abide.” Love the Vinedresser I'm grateful for you. I enjoy reading your feedback and prayer requests.  In The Vine, Theresa PS Please share this with a friend with a note from you that you are praying for favor for them! Click below for the podcast or subscribe on i-Tunes!