September 14, 2016

  I'm on a delightful journey of going through Bethel Atlanta's School of the Supernatural. I feel doubly blessed as my husband Dave gets to share this time with me as we celebrate much loved sons and daughters in our class of 70. I absolutely connect and love our lead teacher, Jenn Stockman. She has a power house team behind her with another favorite Kingdom sister, Lindy Hale. Just pause with me for a moment on this thought.... Oh how we need our sisters (brothers) in the Lord. They make life so sweet.
Jenn Stockman with Mic. Lindy and Meredith to her right
Ok ok ok...The VERY FIRST night God had a great Kingdom lesson. Check this:

Kingdom LESSON

One of the leaders had us close our eyes and ask Holy Spirit to picture something He was giving us... I closed my yes, you know, drawing deep into the well of His Presence. What did I see? I pictured....GUMBY!
Yes, that little green character that could stretch effortlessly in any direction. (Now if you are the age of my kids, Gumby will not resonate with you). God says..."Get ready to be flexible and stretch TEE. Some of the stretching will simply be ME extending you to reach more people. Other stretches will involve keeping your joy and peace amidst challenges of balancing a more busy life. I'll always want you to stretch to know Me more and to run hard after My Presence." After I wrote this thought out on my computer, I look to my left of my journal notes in Evernote and see a word from the Vinedresser...about the stretch! I love Holy Spirit set ups! So this is the deal friend. The stretch is the test of what and who you will trust. I sense from you that you are really feeling stretched in so many your finances, your marriage, your relationships, your body, your mind...
Look as the stretch as a good thing.  Think of how important it is for your body to stretch before you jog, lift weights, or even walk. You are preparing your body for more!!! So, God uses the stretch and the test for a good reason. He is laying the foundation for you to handle more and to walk into your destiny with His best plan for you. You are His marathon runner carrying the baton of His Presence to everyone you encounter in the race called life. You are set up already as a winner!
So, Holy Spirit whispered a few of His thoughts on the stretch. Ready?
Listen to the Vinedresser "You can handle this stretch my child. I built into your very DNA the ability to hold on with tenacious faith to believe in who you are in the Vine. Just as an Olympic champion continues to train year in and year out, you are My champion designed for a divine purpose to win. I will not hold back my tender mercies amidst this grueling process. I will fill you with joy for the journey and unfailing love along the narrow road. Yes, even amidst a rigorous route to My purpose, you can find joy. "Be confident that nothing you do for Me is a waste of time or effort. Keep your eyes open My Child, and on Me.. Hold tight to the Vine. Give it all you got. Be resolute. Love without ceasing. Every stretch makes room for more of My endless love and a deeper intimacy with Me. Train hard. The gold I give you will not tarnish like a medal an athlete strives for. You will then realize that the stretch was necessary to actually cross the finish line. Stretch! I am your finish line. Trust Me to bring the victory as you cling to the Vine! " Love The Vinedresser So, learn to rest (trust) amidst the stretch of your faith in Him. From that place of rest, He will give you the words, wisdom, and strength to carry the destiny He has placed inside you. As you learn to allow Him to expand your heart, He can move through you to overflow with His love which changes the atmosphere of everywhere you go for His Kingdom. I am praying for you. In the sweet spot...In the Vine, Theresa PS You can watch the video or listen below or...subscribe to the iKings Media In the Vine Podcast and listen with i-Tunes! Click here to subscribe!