October 29, 2020

In this special interview for Grace Unfiltered, I have the honor of being interviewed by the amazing and talented Grace Morrison.

As I share in the beginning of this podcast, Grace is one excellent example of “showing up” with her voice.

As she shares on her page:  “This is my “just do SOMETHING!” There’s no telling what will show up… I hope you are encouraged!”

Click Here or Above For The Complete Series

Just do something…just show up.

I share my story of finding my voice from my early days of making KYSS tapes with my being a DJ in between songs while on the pro golf circuit to my my journey as a radio announcer. I share the meaning behind how I lost my voice.

This is everything about you, your voice, and your calling.

“Some things you are called to are right in front of you.” (Theresa Croft)

I help women get unstuck from the web of trauma and shame with a restore process so they can truly find their voice.

Part of my story reveals how I lost my voice……Once after retiring from over 15 years on the radio and the other being dropped from a major social media job, I found my way back to my true voice through the Vinedresser (John 15–Three Devotional’s Later “Listen To The Vinedresser)

I realized the truth. It’s not what you do that defines your voice,  but In a healthy identity knowing who you are in Christ!

Holy Spirit lead me to a foundation of discovering your voice with the repair, restore and rebuild process found in Amos 9:11 NLT

And…the place of healing for your voice is found in..The House of Wine as Holy Spirit lead me to Song of Songs 2:4 in the Passion Translation.

“Suddenly, He transported me Into His house of wine— I see His unfurled banner of victory Covering me. With His unrelenting love Divine. Revive me with Your goblet of wine, Refresh me again with Your sweet promises!” Song of Songs 2:4-5 tpt (2nd Edition)

Currently I’m teaching a course called “It’s War-Fighting (Declarations) Words For Your Voice.

I’ve seen many women (and men) finding their voice and FULFILLING THE CALL, the Kingdom Assignment on their lives as authors, preachers, and influencers.Enjoy this edition of Grace Unfiltered.

For a Free Video Series on Three Steps To Find Your Voice When Your Emotions Are Screaming Shut Up, click here.