April 25, 2019

He Is Giving You The Keys

I scratched out some thoughts the other day... I had questions to myself....and questions as I thought about you. I hear many words on lack, fear, and shame keeping you from walking in your true self, in your identity. So as I was praying, these words spilled out onto my journal. Something like this: What if it’s out of your greatest need you find intimacy…with Jesus? What if it’s the greatest desire for restoration in relationships, finances or health is where you find the One who not only fixes but makes you whole. What if your cry feels like it lands on deaf ears? But then you draw near and He Hears. Such is Jesus. Such is God. Such is Holy Spirit. At the crack of His Heart you get access to His promises to restore your hope again. Can you wait? Can you listen? Can you sit at His feet with no agenda except to listen to what HE thinks, believe what He says and declare His promises of yes and amen over your life? Then can you walk on in simple obedience? Will you abide in the Vine knowing He is enough for every need? This is His heart to give you the keys to the open doors in the spirit even when you face nothing but closed doors on earth. So... I believe the Lord has always been handing out keys. He hit me with that over a year ago.. I typed this out and gave to some of my few close friends for Christmas. But today, I feel you need this as a gift from your heavenly Father.... It had some of these lines...from the Vinedresser: "Now, beloved, you are ready to engage in the spirit realm where you will have free and complete access to My Kingdom as I send you out as My breaker-anointing messenger. You will be the door of hope. That hope carries the influences which shifts atmospheres. "You will be the one I entrust to handle the wealth of the storehouses in heaven as a faithful steward releasing resources wisely. “You will produce My radical passion for jewels of heaven with souls saved, healing, miracles, training, equipping, and producing disciples who carry extra ordinary provision. "You will use the keys that I give you to enter doors of those who run cities, states, and nations. The Father-heart I give you will be foreign to many you meet behind these closed doors. What would take years to accomplish will take minutes as you embrace them with the majesty of My love. “More doors will open. More walls will come down. Watch this happen in those closest to you first. Get ready, My beloved. You are My hidden gem who I am ready to shine through...." THERESA M CROFT. LISTEN TO THE VINEDRESSER (Kindle Locations 1325-1329). So if you read that word above you can only imagine the resounding ring I felt in my heart when I read this from Dale Mast's book: "Our known identity will unlock and open doors for us as well. Others have keys to open doors that we can’t, but they must know us and our purpose. If we do not discover our purpose, it will never be known by others. David perceived he was king..." Mast, Dale L.. And David Perceived He Was King: IDENTITY - the Key to Your DESTINY Xulon Press. Your message is needed. I truly believe you are the one He is handing keys to because you are needed. You are valuable. May you enter this Christmas season with the awe of His wonder...and the truth that He has not forgotten your dreams. In the Vine, Theresa PS I had a great response from the Black Friday discount on my latest Identity To Destiny Project. I've extended a 40% discount now through Christmas. This project may be your key to unlock more of your identity so you can walk in your destiny. Go straight to the replay of the live webinar with no pre-registration by clicking here or this link http://bit.ly/2QZmVLg