April 25, 2019

Float-Listen To The Vinedresser Podcast


What is the position of trust when the waves seem to be crashing you into the sand. You get up with sand in your mouth only to be pushed down again.

You’re wet. Your tired. Your body even aches from the slam. FLOAT! God told me this is the time to float. It involves trust. Let Him hold you and carry you. Trust.

Choose to focus on HIM and not the waves crashing in on you. That trust word is an action word. So, in that choice is a place of faith and worship to declare HE loves you, and He won’t let you drown.

Beating the barriers to destiny means keeping the declarations alive and spoken out of your mouth.

I wrote this Vinedresser Word to encourage you to embrace HIM amidst the yuck of your life. I pray it encourages you.

Declaration: I CHOOSE to trust that God cares for me. I choose Him. I choose love.

LISTEN To The Vinedresser

“When you’re hurt, devastated and trauma has taken its toll, run hard deep into the garden to receive my embrace of grace.

“I am here. Choose Me and hold Me and drop the rock of offense in your hand. In My embrace you can face this shattering pain and find the ammunition to kill your dashed hopes and dreams.

“I give you this choice. Choose Me and choose life. I have given you so many precious and magnificent promises to power you through the minefield of your setbacks and delays in your destiny.

“My word will bring purpose amidst the wait. My promises are always yes and amen. I have your times in My hands.

“You can choose what I say and be healed from the foxes of fear that have wrecked havoc in your mind. I give you life, and life more abundant. In Me lies the power to walk in the perfect you I have created you to be.

“I have wired you for love and greatness in My Kingdom. You have a song that only you can sing that comes straight from My heavenly courts. You have a message from the mess of trespassed abuse from your past that will set others free to fly like you.

“So walk on through the process my precious child. It’s in the process and the waiting that you find that spot in the garden of your heart where My voice speaks clearly.

“My voice drowns out the toxic thoughts that come from the fear that has been running after you, tripping you up with each direction you take.

“I am near to heal your ravished and overwhelmed heart. The branches in this Vineyard will hold you close as I wrap my arms and hold you close to My heart. Listen to the cadence of the beat of My heart that sings over you…songs of love….songs of deliverance…songs of hope.

“You can choose to soak in My Vineyard. In My Presence is fullness of joy. You are meant to live on top of the mountain, not under it. Speak often My Promises over your life.

“Now lay down your pride and remember: NO performance needed. No strive. Simply abide.

” Love the Vinedresser

Theresa M. Croft. Listen To The Vinedresser (Kindle Locations 791-796).


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