May 11, 2019

Finding Your Voice For Your Family

My aunt went to be with Jesus the other day.

She loved Jesus.

She was a good mom.

This really got me processing along with thoughts of how valuable knowing your voice makes a difference in a family.

I wrote out this thought in my journal:

“I love talking about being authentic and how that is such an awesome place to start to write that book, sing that song, or create something so brilliant your target market needs….

“As I was pondering all this I heard the Holy Spirit clear His throat and say…..By the way, Tee, your target market starts first in your home…your family.”

Yes…I’m learning obedience in the little. Stewarding “what’s in your house”well. Pouring the wine of your love to those nearest is the fermentation to the fine wine you serve to the nations with your voice!

We are talking about the ultimate way of redeeming your voice.

I shot a video…you can watch it here.

I confessed I have not always been a real good mom as far as listening. I remember days when my kids were little and I’d be working so hard (finding my voice) on the computer not paying attention.

Sadly, they got to a point where they did not even try to talk to me.

Holy Spirit was not beating me up with this but just making me take a good look at serving those at home first.

Some of you do that so well. I know a few moms that are truly my heroes in this!!

The morning that I shot this video and had my processing time, William came into my office later in the day and asked me if I’d go for a walk with him.

I said no….I was busy learning some new web design.

It only took me a second to shoot up out of that chair and say yes, let’s go William.

We walked about a half mile until we got drenched by a downpour. Even though it was freaking cold, I loved it because William laughed and laughed. I was running (er, jogging) to his walking.

It was so good to hear him laugh. He is going to be a senior soon and out of the house. I’m so proud of him. He is gentle, smart, and so intentional in his home schooling.

It was worth the being soaked and chilled to the bone.  It was a moment in time when I said yes to my son….and yes to family.

That’s the ultimate in finding your voice when you understand that from you identity you can respond and make good choices in words and actions when it comes to your family.

Hey…There is still time to check out the Voice Camp and get a free report: 7 Keys To Learn How To Find Your Voice.

 Click her or copy and paste the link below!

If I’m not talking to my husband or son, Talk Soon!

IN the Vine,


PS This Voice Camp will close May 25th! 






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