May 7, 2015

In The Vine: Treasure Hunting With Jesus

Go on a treasure hunt in your every day walk with God. What do I mean by that? Look to speak life over people! It doesn't have to be a forced thing. Behind every face you meet in a day lies someone who has some gold inside them deposited by the King! What happens is the fruit of fear: anxiety, striving for acceptance, rejection and other issues bury people in mud and crud! So as you walk in The Vine, you have an opportunity to drop a sweet spot on someone. You have the honor to be His messenger to keep hope alive in someone else. I love how effortlessly this comes to my husband. We were in a store the other day paying a bill. The clerk was stressed and distracted. After finishing our transaction, he shook her hand and spoke destiny on her. She locked eyes with him in wonderment and with tears. "How did you know that?" She explained! It happened again today at the tag office. All Dave shared was the effects of a terrible wreck he was in over two years. As He explained about his journey with the pain with a smile, the woman became intrigued. Then he got to the part where the Holy Spirit told him not to bring his daughter with him as he was going to take food to a homeless man. This precious lady stood listening transfigured by the testimony of how Dave was t-boned in the wreck in the passenger side of the car. If Dave had not listened and taken me or Anna, there was a good chance we would not have survived the terrible wreck (There is more to this story than that!) As she tried to wipe tears away, I spoke gently that God loved her; He had her back; and He'd never walk out the door on her! She received a shower of God's kindness! So many today need a God word to keep hope alive. I used to be a radio announcer. One thing I loved the most was the honor to speak life and to keep hope alive in someone. I'd go into work very aware that a prayer, something said in between a song, or even scripture for the day could be orchestrated by God for someone else to remind them God will always come through for them. Today, with the advance of the internet and social media I see the same door open. So I challenge you today...Will you bring His Kingdom HOPE to someone today? You are the messenger. I believe God is raising up His Kingdom people and setting them apart by the breaker anointing that flows through His Bride. You are part of that remnant. Look for how God moves on your behalf. Give Him glory and watch it bounce off of you to others around you. God is not afraid of your mess. He is not mad at you either. His call on your life is real. You carry His glory. If you have fallen, get back up, ask for forgiveness and go forward in your purpose, to be in THE VINE! This is not about preaching at someone telling them what's wrong. It's about bringing out the gold. It just takes one step. Listen to Holy Spirit. He'll give you the words to say or what to do. You may be surprised what a smile or a kind word will do as you become a treasure hunter for Jesus.