February 5, 2016

Father's Heart Released Through Your Love At Home

This is for you, no matter the heart condition of your love at home. There is always hope for His love to spill in and over you to bring breakthrough and restoration in your home. Our whole family stayed home from church the other day, but that did not keep us from experiencing CH-ur-CH. Don’t get me wrong. I love worshipping God with my church family, Bethel Atlanta. And another fact:  We do not have a perfect family. We have been in process for many years. That would take another blog post to share about this! Well, Dave and Anna had both worked long hours all week. It was good to see them choose rest for this Sunday. Dave made a great breakfast. We all sat down together with our hot coffee at our round dining room table together with laughter as we scarfed down the awesome food together. The kids hovered around the kitchen afterwards asking Dave and me to name favorite Beattle’s songs in the kitchen. We laughed as I tried to remember songs or as Dave sang a few lines. Then Anna and William sat together on a couch helping each other with their school work while Dave read and I wrote in my journal. This thought may rattle some chains of the religious who like you to jump through hoops of perfection and performance, but this to me was a form of church: Connection. Relationships. Serving. Caring. Laughter and Eating together. And as I eventually nestled down for a nap this thought occurred: The LOVE OF THE FATHER has to be experienced in our homes. To be real and authentic in walking it out to love others well, I believe it needs to start, speed bumps at times and all, with those right in front of you. I understand. Yes it can be challenging. Yes, sometimes simply doing “time” in church is easier. But to truly bring heaven to earth, you can trust God and keep praying that the love of Him can start in your home. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep hope alive for your family. We keep you in OUR FAMILY prayers.  In The Vine, Theresa