April 29, 2022

If you know me, I love to talk about the Vineyard and the PROCESS of making wine.

But amidst the struggle, Holy Spirit lead me to the olives.

The Garden of Olives:
“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.” 

So this from my time with Holy Spirit for you…at that place of decision and pain.

There is crushing of a grape to make fine wine  and there is a pressing of the olive to make non bitter oil.

Think about that? As you may be feeling the agitation of the fermentation or the hot, dry east winds of life.

I’m learning more about the oil. The right oil for you to be God’s anointed vessel. 

Check this. An olive needs the harsh east wind but also another wind: the west to make it useful as oil. The West wind comes from the  the Mediterranean. 

It brings the cleansing and refreshing rain and fresh life!It brings rain and life to balance out the rough cutting edges of the process. 

The olive tree needs both of these winds to produce fruit 

I’m learning we need this too.

We need this oil inside pouring out from the overflow to truly be anointed to bring light into dark places as sweet (anointed) oil of His Living Expression!

“Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭24:2‬

For an olive to be delightful to the taste, edible, it goes through its own process.

The breaking, scrubbing, soaking and sometimes salting and waiting are key steps. 

It’s a process to be that pure useful oil. Same process that involves your relationship with God to produce an anointing in you to be that voice speaking truth with comfort.

As the olive needs to be cured of bitterness and prepared to be of good use, so you can be cured of your breaking heart.

As you release unforgiveness that bound you in a shell of bitterness, the wind of Holy Spirit refreshes your soul and spirit. As you refuse to remain angry and release hurts to Jesus, your life becomes sweet as you experience a depth of being a friend of Holy Spirit

You break out from the chains that bind to freedom in His anointing, lighting up your communication with your Father God!

So dear one, if the tornado of Life has left you out of the eye of calm, remember there is a process for you to be the oil of anointed peace for you and others!

Your life is meant to be a sweet messenger of life.

 One of my saying after experiencing the other side of the crush is: 

“Have oil. Will travel.

How does this speak to you?

In the Vine,



PS Dave’s process to healing has meant trips to hospital to drain fluids that liver is failing to process. This brings much relief to the relentless pain!

And oh! This Wednesday is surgery day for my right eye! You made this possible with your prayers and support!