April 6, 2015

Faith At Work: He Has The Blue Prints Of Your Divine Designed Destiny

He is a liar. No matter what you face right now, in your body, in your family, in your finances, your best days are ahead of you. I normally do not like to give credit to the enemy. But the fact is, you do have an adversary that wants to tell you lies, beat on your body, and keep you from your designed destiny. But don’t freak out amidst the battle. God knows that you can handle the test, how ever it may come. In fact, He knows the test may produce a mess, but out of the mess will come a message that can impact thousands. I have shared this video many times on Facebook from Bob Sorge. I was greatly moved as were the countless friends and family we have shared this video. This short 5 minute video opened the conversation to what truly matters, what life is really about amidst the challenges you face. Click here for the media ministry or on the video above. You may need to be reminded that the test is not a bad thing. God is working His greater purpose inside you. He’s got the blueprint of your divine designed destiny, and He put it in your very DNA. Many of you have a voice, a message, a gift, a service…. and you are really really good at it. So good, that your success makes your adversary shake in his peanut size boots. It’s time to move forward…and live your life. You can do that even while you are in the process of working through being made whole, dealing with issues, and believing for physical healing. So press in…to Him. Cling to the Vine (John 15) and watch God keep you in the “Sweet Spot” even amidst the challenges of life. He loves you enough to test you and not leave you alone. He loves you enough to draw you into the most intimate relationship you could ever have. This is going to be a great year for you. I see justice, restoration and restitution in your life!