June 20, 2022

I am exhausted tonight.

Maybe from not being able to sleep last night (2:30 am mornings)
Maybe because this Sunday marks two weeks when Dave went on to glory with Jesus.
The Picture above is one of my favorite’s because of his smile.
I’ve had many of precious moments with Holy Spirit in these two weeks. I’ve had AMAZING support in some areas that are dear to me in regards to my future.
I had tears and fears.
I learned one valuable gem of inspiration today in my reading in my alone time with Jesus and coffee.
It was simply this.
If I learn to cherish Jesus through this travail that took Dave’s life, cancer will not win.
Yes, cancer took Dave’s life….here on earth but not eternally.
But I will choose to live in the present, not drown in my tears in my coffee, be brave to allow a few close friends into the pain in my heart and loss.
The emotions I have are mostly relief. Dave is free from pain.
I desire from this day forward to live with courage and joy right in this moment. I can smile amidst my affliction.
Because I will cherish my relationship with Jesus. Cancer doesn’t win. Pain doesn’t win. Trauma doesn’t win.
So I encourage you to CHOOSE to cherish Jesus today amidst your chaos and heartache.
If you would like to see the video I made for the funeral you can click the link below.
It will also have a video of the memorial that was the most amazing joyous service. Many said they had not ever been to a funural like that!
I’m going to cherish some sleep along with my relationship with Jesus tonight.
I’m always an email away.
Talk Soon.
In the Vine.