February 17, 2019

Connection Thoughts In The Vine

Just wanted to thank you for your connection here with some connection thoughts in the Vine! As I've spent this weekend with a special couple, whose friendship has meant so much to Dave and me, it made me think of this truth:
Penny Tucker Branded With Love Ministry
Kingdom is family. To be able to bare your heart in a safe place is healing. God rushes in and brings a balm of peace. It's a hum of heaven where you truly take a big sigh in total gratitude. I had a blast also learning from my friend Penny as she allowed me to interview her for a teaching series inside our Kingdom Mentor Academy on Inner Healing.  I received her gifting in this area personally. I asked her to lead me through some steps of this to pray away any left over offenses in my heart from trying issues. There are no words to truly express my heart in thanksgiving for a few of these kind of friends in my life. Basically, I believe God desires to align you with godly connections to help you as you go forward in your destiny. The kind of friends who you speak life over you. The kind who will go to bat against the enemy and pray for your family. As I've been real blessed to have "lifer" friends, I thought I'd share a few paragraphs Holy Spirit has spoken to me about the power and blessing of "quantum" connections.

Connection Thoughts In The Vine

***** “I believe that sweet friendships and godly relationships are the much needed foundation for the fullness of God’s gifts to be released where we will see an impact on cities, states, and the nations of this world. From the co ntext of being connected to people who walk in the intentionality of expressing His love is the life source for many to rise to the fullness of their calling. It’s part of being in the Vine, in the sweet spot of life. It’s all about learning the art of loving well with a Father/Mother hearts!” **** “Be thankful for those who see the nuts and bolts of your life and still love you. The ones who take the pieces, dust off the rust, dirt, and speak them to where they belong. The ones who speak life to you amidst the process of growing up as a Son or a Daughter of the King. The ones who celebrate who you are becoming rather than tolerating who you are not. It’s in this context of Kingdom family that many will rise to reign in life. Who is God calling for you to speak The Father’s Heart to?” **** The issue concerning friends is Holy Spirit is calling you to continue to be blessed by good praying friends but not obsessed with having them in your life. Meaning be content to trust Him for the kind of friends HE wants you to have. And...I'm thankful for the friends HE has brought into my life...
Dave officiating Penny & Jeff Tucker's renewing their vows on 35th Wedding Anniversary
"A dear friend will love you no matter what, And a family sticks together Through all kinds of trouble." Prov. 17:17 TPT **** So, be intentional. Trust God for the right kind of connections. Be a good friend. Keep boundaries in place. Find those who will love and celebrate you through your process, your journey in life. Maybe you are in a lonely place and really desire these kind of friends. Two words of advice: 1) Keep going deeper in your relationship with God. Be so satiated in Him that the overflow comes out to those around you and makes your time in the "wilderness" a continual feast in His Presence. 2) Ask God for friends and connections. I personally have started praying Psalm 15 (in Passion Translation) over the friends I have and for bringing other Kingdom connections for which to do life. "Who are those who daily dwell in the life of the Holy Spirit?[c] They are passionate and wholehearted, always sincere and always speaking the truth— for their hearts are trustworthy." Psalm 15:1-2 tpt You are needed. Someone needs the cadence of your voice, the sweetness of your smile, and the breaker anointing you carry. You can do this. God is aligning you, His much loved sons, His much loved daughters, to be kindred in the spirit to bring heaven to earth... Talk soon. In The Vine, Theresa PS This Inner Healing in a new video teaching series inside our Kingdom Mentor Academy. Take advantage of the special with lower price entry! Price will go back up soon. Click here now.